One of the main complaints players had about Fallout 4 when it was initially released was how they were consistently pushed to do good. Being bad and rough around the edges in the wasteland just wasn’t a real option, and the only real “evil” choice was to join the Institute.
That’s why Nuka-World was a revolutionary DLC, because players could finally play as a raider and a morally questionable character. However, that’s not the only choice the DLC gives to the players. Goody-two-shoes characters can also start the quest Open Season upon arrival and simply obliterate everyone… but at what cost? Ultimately, it’s up to the player to decide whether or not to join the raiders or betray them.
10 Take Over: Best Evil Experience

Let’s be honest for a second: there’s no other truly riveting chaotic evil experience in Fallout 4 than the one found in Nuka-World. Although raiders and factions like the Forged and the Gunners are a staple part of the game, the player never really gets to join them or become like them.
That’s why choosing to take over Nuka-World and becoming the Overboss of all these raiders is pretty much the ultimate unique evil experience. There’s nothing quite like it, and throwing it away just defeats the purpose of the DLC.
9 Kill Raiders: Best Good Experience

Maybe being evil isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and there’s no judgment there. Luckily, the DLC doesn’t only need to be played one way, but offers a second option for a player who’s brave and smart enough to know what the right thing to do is.
For those who are members of the Minutemen in particular, taking care of the raiders can be a lot of fun. It’s the ultimate good deed done in the name of a better and safer world in the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse.
8 Take Over: Porter Gage

If the player does choose to become the Overboss and keep to the plan of freeing Nuka-World for the raiders, they’ll have Porter Gage, a brand new companion, by their side. He’s a potential romance option, just like all the other companions found in the Commonwealth, but with more tolerance towards violence and mischief.
Once the highest level of affinity is reached with him, he’ll grant the player the Lessons In Blood perk, which gives +5% more experience points for each kill and +10 damage resistance. These are really good additions for any character build, which is why he’s such a great companion.
7 Kill Raiders: Keep Preston

It’s true that Preston Garvey isn’t exactly the most popular companion in the game. After all, the man just can’t stop nagging the Sole Survivor about new settlements and all their responsibilities as a general, when he does absolutely nothing himself.
Still, Preston is a decent follower, especially early on in the game, and his United We Stand perk (+20% damage dealt and +20 damage resistance when facing 3 or more hostile targets) is handy in chaotic situations. As the Overboss, the player will make Preston upset and he’ll be lost as a follower, which is why killing the raiders just might be worth it.
6 Take Over: Radiant Quests

Taking over Nuka-World and staying as the Overboss has the fun perk of getting more and more of those juicy radiant quests. In a pinch, they’re good ways to make some extra caps, which is why some players prefer to stay with the raiders.
The radiant quests vary from attacking with other raiders to collaring a target such as a super mutant or even killing a target. They’re nice repetitive little money quests, but nothing special or difficult. Still, they play into the immersion of having a raider character, which might be important for some players.
5 Kill Raiders: Save The Slaves

The first striking detail upon entering Nuka-World’s marketplace is the fact that all the traders have been collared. They’re basically being kept there against their will and forced to sell their wares with the local raiders, even if they’d rather not.
This is essentially slavery, and if the player character believes in anything at all, they’ll know this is wrong. It’s quite pitiful to watch these traders day after day, so agreeing to help them might just be the best and most virtuous way. After that, peace and freedom reigns in Nuka-Town.
4 Take Over: Raider Settlements

Ah yes, settlements. It’s all the hype among the Minutemen, and it’s all the hype among the raiders of Nuka-World as well. The work is almost never ending here, but this time it won’t just be done out of kindness or generosity. These settlements exist for a specific purpose.
The raider settlements, although they require some extra work and supply gathering, are great as they generate quite a few caps to the Overboss Tribute chest on a regular basis. Sure, things need to be built and the raiders must be kept happy, but at least there’s something in it for the big boss too. That alone is a good enough reason not to kill everyone in Nuka-Town.
3 Kill Raiders: Parks Can Still Be Completed

It might feel like completing Open Season will result in the player missing out on everything in the DLC, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if the player kills all the raiders and Porter Gage is left hostile at the end, everything else can still be done.
Namely, all of the five parks can still be secured, since clearing them doesn’t specifically require the raiders to be around. Moreover, the power can be started as per usual at the power plant of Nuka-World without requiring any of the raider bosses to be alive. So really, nothing in terms of sheer content is being missed.
2 Take Over: Raider Perks

The main boon from having all these raiders alive are the perks that come along with supporting them. Each of the three gangs in Nuka-World, if favored during the park division as well as the settlement division, will grant a different perk to the player at the end of the Power Play quest.
The Disciples grant the perk Chosen Disciple with 25% AP restored after killing someone with a melee weapon; operators give the perk Ace Operator, which gives a 25% damage increase to suppressed weapons and a 10% boost to stealth; finally, the Pack grant the Pack Alpha perk, which is a 25% damage boost to melee and unarmed damage and a 25% resistance to regular and energy damage. Two of these can be gained at the end of Power Play, which is significant.
1 Kill Raiders: Avoid Raiding Settlements

Players who have progressed far in the Minuteman quest line will have no doubt done quite a bit of work for their settlements in the Commonwealth. It might not be the most riveting part of gameplay, but it’s a feature that’s often overlooked despite how much it can do for the player.
However, being forced to raid these settlements during the Home Sweet Home quest line in Nuka-World sort of ruins all the hard work that went into them the first time around. As such, it might just be best to kill those raiders and call it a day as the General of the Minutemen.
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