Remnant: From The Ashes: 10 Hidden Facts You Didn’t Notice About Ace Cotterill

Society has created a preconceived notion of what a scientist should be. When one thinks of biology and chemistry, it’s natural to imagine pristine lab coats covering suits and ties, organized beakers next to clipboards, and grim demeanors through thick glasses. Yet Ernest Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics, once said, “An alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid.”

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And so enters Ace Cotterill in Remnant: From the Ashes, the opposite of everything a stereotypical mastermind scientist might look like. But she’s no barmaid either, she’s a survivor of the Root and a former soldier. She gets only a few minutes of screen time, but the intrigue of her past, her intellect, and her ability to survive all combine to warrant a look into who she is in more detail.

10 Mara Junot

One of the reasons Ace Cotterill is so memorable in spite of so little time is due, in large part, to the voice behind the pixels. Mara Junot speaks the words behind Ace’s frames and she’s been a master of the industry for a long time.

Even gamers who are new to the industry are sure to have witnessed her work prior to this. She’s in some games that Remnant: From the Ashes players will love, like Sindel in Mortal Kombat 11, Sherri Woodhouse from Far Cry 5, Evelynn from League of Legends, and Alleria Windrunner from World of Warcraft. Plus, she’s the Elf Queen in none other than… Remnant: From the Ashes!

9 Not A Stranger In The Base

Ace Cotterill is part of the early mission entitled “Stranger in the Base,” given by Commander Ellen Ford who asks the player to go see somebody wandering around the reactor. The player assumes that this person must be the titular stranger the mission alludes to.

Not so! Ace Cotterill is a merchant, yes, but also assigned to be working on the reactor by Commander Ford herself. The stranger, as it turns out, is the player’s own character, and Ace is nice enough to give the stranger a helping hand.

8 Scientist And Merchant

Players are on their own for finding helpful mods, but those who think Ace is only good for fixing up the reactor are missing the economic prowess within her. For a few scraps, she’s got some iron for sale and as the player levels up, she increases the amount of iron offered.

And don’t write her off just because the iron coffers are full! For a price, she’s got a luminite crystal available for sale. So she knows how to work on a reactor, she’s survived the Root, and she’s savvy with currency. What can’t she do?

7 Relationship With Les

When the player first strolls up to Ace, she’s moving her flashlight all over the place, demanding that Les not jump out and scare her again. Les does not appear here, or anywhere, but he’s mentioned often, especially by Ace.

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The relationship is not assumed to be romantic; if it ever was, she’s about had enough of it. Not that this gives the player an in with the multi-talented Ms. Cotterill, Remnant: From the Ashes is not quite as inclusive as other video games as far as romance goes.

6 Underground Weapons Dealer

Alright, now it’s getting ridiculous. She deals weapons now? Alright, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, she’s not going to be the next big farming spot for Borderlands 3 players. But the protagonist can indeed leverage a weapon from her that isn’t for standard sale.

In exchange for giving her the “Strange Coin,” she makes it a square deal by letting the character have her Magnum Revolver. She may have had a use for it once before, but as a merchant in the reactor room, the player can put the weapon to better use.

5 Cold Much?

It’s safe to say that Ace Cotterill is not a cold-weather girl. Players that meet her will remember her by her woolen hood and jacket. But a further look at her clothing reveals some very unconventional indoor clothing.

Ace is wearing not one, not two, but three jackets! And at least one shirt underneath all three of those! Nobody else in the base requires so many layers. Maybe she’s pulling a Diablo III and trying to wear all of her gear sets at once or maybe she just misses the tropics.

4 Gas Mask

Wait… How safe is this reactor, exactly? That thing dangling under Ace Cotterill’s chin is not a bulky necklace, it’s a gas mask. If the lead scientist on the reactor is keeping a gas mask at the ready, maybe the player should keep one at the ready as well.

Not to fear, she knows what she’s doing. The mask has no goggles and, while she is wearing a litany of clothing, none of those clothes are protective against radiation, so the mask is probably to protect against the Root or some other plague. Gamers will have to visit Nuka-World in Fallout 4 if they want a bad case of hazardous waves.

3 History With Mud Tooth

After progressing through the story a bit, players will meet Mud Tooth, a grizzled old veteran living outside of the city. He’ll remark about lots of different goings-on in the world, including a mention about how Commander Ford, Les, and Ace Cotterill used to roll together.

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Their precise relationship with Mud Tooth is unclear, but it’s assumed that if they were that far into areas infected with the Root and the corresponding monsters, some combat would have been necessary. Regardless, Mud Tooth cares enough to wish her well, so there is some social credit built up between the two.

2 Veteran

Ace’s fighting days might be behind her, which is why giving away her Magnum Revolver isn’t such a big deal, but it is important to note that this scientist and merchant was, at one time, a veteran, off and fighting for the same things the player character is fighting for today.

If the interaction weren’t so brief, it would be nice if Cotterill would lend a bit of advice on traits that helped her to survive the Root. Look carefully underneath her mask and the player will see that she still proudly wears her dog tags from her combat days.

1 Giver

This list has already covered all of the ways, directly and indirectly, that Ace helps the player character. But there is one last, major way in which Ace assists and, without the assistance, the entire game would never have been possible.

Commander Ford sends the main character to see Ace Cotterill to begin with because she knows the kind of giving person that Ace is. Her trust is not misplaced; Ace outfits the player with an entire starting loadout.

NEXT: Remnant: From The Ashes – 10 Alternative Boss Kills


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