简报:内蒙古推汉语教学引发抗议;中印边境再爆冲突 1 9 月, 2020 EMILY CHAN,KONEY BAI 0 CGTN澳籍主播在华被捕;中国7月出口量达历史第二高;印度前总统慕克吉去世;以色列至阿联酋直飞航线开通;香港学校将恢复面授课程……这里是今日要闻。 Costfoto/Barcroft Media, via Getty Images 图为内蒙古的一所学校测温度。北京正在争取减少蒙古语教学,改为汉语教学。 …
Fortnite Players Upset Creative Mode Isn’t Being Updated 1 9 月, 2020 Mason Sansonia 0 Fans of the Fortnite Creative mode are getting annoyed at Epic Games for not updating the mode as thoroughly as Battle Royale.
10 Pokemon That Should Have Returned In The Isle Of Armor DLC 1 9 月, 2020 Tanner Kinney 0 While the Isle of Armor DLC for Pokémon Sword & Shield brought back some Pokémon, these are some that should have been added in as well.
Breath Of The Wild: How To Get The Ceremonial Trident & 9 Other Amazing Weapons 1 9 月, 2020 Christopher Fain 0 The Ceremonial Trident, among other weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, requires careful planning for Link to acquire.
Dark Souls 3: The 15 Best Shields In The Game, Ranked | Game Rant 1 9 月, 2020 Mark Sammut 0 While weapons and armor sets tend to hog the limelight, shields also have their uses in Lothric. Here are the best shields in Dark Souls 3.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Everything You Can Do During The Harvest Festival 1 9 月, 2020 Chris Birsner 0 Animal Crossing: New Leaf gives players a chance to celebrate Harvest Festival, and here are all the ways to participate during this happy time.
史美倫:未來6個月有良好新股發行計劃 1 9 月, 2020 rthk.hk - 即時新聞: 財經 0 港交所主席史美倫表示,香港已成為亞洲最大及全球第2大生物技術集資中心,而商界和金融界聯手建立和完善香港生物技術生態系統,例如恒指公司最近宣布將未有盈利生物技術公司納入恒生綜合指數,加上政府對行業投資。 她表示,疫情大流行對經濟、社會和政治有重大變化,但即使存在前所未有的不確定性和挑戰,香港的資本市場已顯示出一定韌性,截至7月底,港股總市值按年增長26%,7月日均成交額按年急升1.4倍。首7個月新股集資增長56%,而未來6個月仍有良好的新股發行計劃。 她又表示,交易所同時吸引更多來自快速發…
Animal Crossing: New Horizons: New September Bugs | Game Rant 1 9 月, 2020 Adrian Iglesias 0 Animal Crossing: New Horizons fans know that September brings a new wave of creepy-crawly critters – bugs – onto their islands.
New Trailer for Hunt: Showdown Shows off Single-Player Trials Mode 1 9 月, 2020 Jonathan Ammerman 0 A brand new trailer for Hunt: Showdown is released by developer Crytek, showing off the PVE Trials mode that was recently added to the game.
Classic Neo Geo Game Port Removes References to Taiwan 1 9 月, 2020 Cameron Corliss 0 Baseball Stars 2, a classic Neo Geo game from 1992, removes references to Taiwan and Taipei in an apparent Chinese censorship move.