Every Main Game In The Crash Bandicoot Series, Ranked By Difficulty

Thanks to the release of Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, fans are more nostalgic than ever. Despite this enthusiasm, it’s impossible to deny that some Crash games are incredibly difficult at times. This is especially true for a game that was originally marketed towards children.

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There are several ways to look at difficulty, but this list focuses on the gameplay and controls as a whole. Beating these games 100% is a whole other story. Additionally, these obviously aren’t all the Crash Bandicoot games out there, but the party and racing games are separate from the mainline series. Here’s every mainline Crash game ranked from easiest to hardest.

9 Crash Of The Titans

This tatted version of Crash Bandicoot debuted in 2007, and this game’s style is very different than previous Crash titles. Due to this, it’s much simpler to play. Crash actually punches and kicks in this one, adding more combat than before. Spins are still present, but moves like these have to be unlocked. This Bandicoot is a bit more violent than his previous self. Many fans don’t like it because the playing style breaks away from the original series, but one thing’s for sure, it’s one of the simplest Crash games out there.

8 Mind Over Mutant

This one is the follow-up to Crash of the Titans, and it’s similar in gameplay style. Crash is actually able to fight giant beasts to take control of them, then using their powers to become even stronger. This gives players a huge advantage. These mutants are way larger than Crash and his buddies, and they pack a lot of damage.

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Part of what makes Crash games so difficult lies in their level designs. Classic Crash games involve steep jumps, hidden gems, box collecting and much more. These games lack most of those classic aspects. This makes Crash of the Titans and Mind of Mutant easier, but much less fun.

7 The Wrath Of Cortex

The truth is that The Wrath of Cortex is pretty much a carbon copy of the original Crash trilogy, but with different levels and its own storyline. There’s not anything that’s particularly hard about it in comparison to the other games. The biggest complaint about this title lies in its graphics and controls. It’s definitely not the hardest in the series, but its mechanics pale in comparison to previous Crash titles. The only difficulty lies within its weak design.

6 TwinSanity

This one ranks mediocre in difficulty. It’s not incredibly easy, sure, but it is one of the easier games in the franchise. In fact, the additional help from Cortex makes the gameplay less challenging overall.

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The controls are definitely better than they are in The Wrath of Cortex, and the more open world versus level by level feel provides more maneuvering room.

5 N Sane Trilogy

Sure, N Sane Trilogy is technically a remaster of the first three games in this series. However, its mechanics are a lot different than the originals, which is why it lands its own spot on the list. While the graphics are amazing, and players are thrilled with Crash’s return, the hit boxes definitely make this game even more difficult than the original three platformers. Remember all those Dark Souls memes? These didn’t just pop up for no reason. Considering just how daunting that Dark Souls can be, this comparison validates N Sane Trilogy’s difficulty level.

4 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Out of all three original Crash Bandicoot games, Cortex Strikes Back is the most forgiving. It’s a nice balance between Crash 1 and Crash 3. The gems and relics are difficult within themselves, but that’s just how every Crash game is.

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This title is actually a favorite among fans due it its perfect difficulty level. Its controls are great, and it doesn’t have any wonky mechanics. Overall, it’s definitely the easiest in the original trilogy.

3 Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped

The third installment in the original trilogy is more difficult than the second, and that’s largely because of its additional level types. In this game, there are motorcycle levels, underwater levels, aircraft levels, and levels where Coco and Crash ride Polar and Pure. This creates an added layer of difficulty in the game. The motorcycle levels are especially challenging. The giant pits and difficult steering mechanics make these levels an absolute pain for many players. Oh, and this doesn’t get much easier in N Sane trilogy either. Crash needs a bike with better handling.

2 Crash Bandicoot

One of the most difficult titles of all is ironically the first Crash game ever. It would make sense that these games only get harder with time, but that’s not the case for this orange furry fella. His debut game easily takes the second to hardest spot on the list. Between difficult jumps, the inability to double jump, and extremely long levels, Crash 1 is a challenge. The good news is that if players can beat this one, they likely can beat any of the others mentioned on the list so far. This is especially true in regards to The High Road and Stormy Ascent levels. Those are just pure hell. Of course, Stormy Ascent was cut from the original because it was just too hard, and now it only exist as an N Sane bonus. Long story short, it takes a real hardcore Bandicoot fan to tackle those levels with ease.

1 Crash 4: It’s About Time

Well, as surprising as it is, fans are already saying that Crash 4 is the hardest game in the series, ever. Even hardcore Crash fans are struggling with this new title. Part of what adds to its difficult is the fact that this new game includes new game modes, playable characters, and power-ups. So, for those who have never played Crash before, but plan on starting with the newest release, be prepared for a challenge. This series may be marketed to younger folks, but that by no means indicates that it’s a breeze. Getting a 100% is going to be a challenge if just making it through a level feels like an accomplishment. Nevertheless, this game is graphically appealing, and it’s exciting that a new Crash game has finally shown up after all these years. What’s the fun without a challenge?

NEXT: Every Crash Bandicoot Game, Ranked By Metacritic Score


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