FCC fends off bid to slow Wi-Fi spectrum move

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) won the first round in a fight with AT&T and utility industry groups over plans to open spectrum the regulator claims is needed to boost the Wi-Fi sector.

A court dismissed a legal challenge by the operator and industry associations seeking to delay the FCC’s plan to open the 6GHz band [1] for unlicensed use, a decision Chairman Ajit Pai hailed as “great news for consumers” in a tweet.

The FCC chief added access to all 1200MHz of the band meant consumers “stand to benefit from super-fast” Wi-Fi services [2].

AT&T and several utility associations led by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) earlier this year filed separate legal challenges, which were later consolidated, asking a court to stay execution of the scheme until their case was heard.

The operator aims to ensure a portion of the band remains licensed, while the utilities are concerned about potential interference.

However, the court determined the criteria for a stay had not been met, and also denied a separate request asking it to expedite the case.

[1] https://www.mobileworldlive.com/featured-content/top-three/fcc-approves-rural-5g-fund-6ghz-rules
[2] https://www.mobileworldlive.com/featured-content/top-three/fcc-presses-ahead-with-6ghz-wi-fi-plan


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