Gearbox CEO Heaps Praise on Xbox Series X, PS5 | Game Rant

For some gamers, there are still questions as to which next-gen console will reign supreme. With both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X on the horizon, many players have had to make a choice in which system to try and pre-order. However, if Gearbox’s CEO is to be believed, regardless of which of the two systems the buyer picks, they should be in for an excellent experience.

The PlayStation 5 is offering new ideas and technology, like its DualSense controller and, if rumors are to be believed, upgraded PS VR coming down the line. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s offerings have flexibility, giving players an opportunity to enjoy improved frame rates and lighting even if they lack 4K screens via the Xbox Series S.

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Speaking with GameSpot, Gearbox head Randy Pitchford had nothing but praise for both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X. He’s extremely excited about what the next generation of gaming systems will bring to the gaming community, and even noted that the jump from the PS4 and Xbox One to the PS5 and Xbox Series X will outweigh other system advancements, like the PS1 to the PS2, or even new technology like VR headsets.

“I think customers will realize how profound of a difference it is to have the throughput capability that these new platforms bring. It’s just absolutely unreal. The leap there with PS5 and Xbox Series X is the biggest leap I have ever seen in the history of console generations. I’m saying, including the leap from 2D to 3D. It’s going to change the way we think about every bit of our experiences.”

However, even Pitchford admits that it may take a little time before early next-gen console adopters get to see what the systems can really do. As with nearly all generational upgrades, several of the titles coming early on to the new consoles are essentially ports, albeit with improvements like faster loading times and improved frame rates.

Developers will likely also need some time before they learn just how far they can push these new systems, so players are likely to continue seeing major improvements in how games look and perform in the years to come.

It’s intriguing to hear an industry head express that users on either system will get a great experience. Other industry developers haven’t mirrored this comment, though. According to other development teams, the Xbox Series X is more powerful than the PS5, but alternatively, the PS5 is allegedly easier to create games for than the Xbox Series X. It’s ultimately up to the developers to figure out how to best utilize each system, but if they have difficulty doing so, players may not get the best experience out of their new hardware.

In any case, those who have been lucky enough to secure next-gen pre-orders won’t have to wait much longer to find out what the new consoles are capable of. Both next-gen consoles launch in November, and though some exclusive next-gen games have been delayed, there should still be enough to go around to whet players’ appetites for what the future of gaming holds.

MORE: Xbox Series X to PS5 Power Difference ‘Quite Staggering’

Source: GameSpot


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