Majora’s Mask: A Step By Step Guide To Upgrade The Kokiri Sword

It’s about time to lay the Kokiri Sword to rest. This sword appears in both Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, but by the time Majora’s Mask takes place, Link is older and more experienced. Even though it appears to be larger now than it was before, Link still needs better options. Luckily for him, he has three upgrade options which include the Razor Sword, the Gilded Sword, and the Great Fairy Sword. Technically the Fierce Deity Sword comes with the Fierce Deity Mask, but it’s included in here as well as the fourth sword option. It’s not obtainable till the game’s end, but it’s too cool to not mention.

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Much like the Biggoron Sword side quest in Ocarina of Time, the sword upgrade quests require just a little extra patience and time. Most of these upgrades are simple. This article details the main steps players have to take to get these powerful weapon upgrades.

7 The Razor Sword, Method #1

The first sword upgrade is the Razor Sword. This one has its cons, but without it, players cannot upgrade to the Gilded Sword. To obtain it, players must find the Mountain Smithy. This place is located in the Snowhead region’s Mountain Village. The blacksmiths cannot forge Link’s sword until after players retrieve Hot Spring Water, or once Goht is defeated. It’s also possible to use a fire arrow to thaw out the furnace. Any of these methods will work!

To do the first method, use the Lens of Truth to see Darmani’s spirit and follow him to his tomb, play the Song of Healing, and snatch some Hot Spring Water from the newly opened area. Proceed to the Mountain Smithy to melt the ice.

6 The Razor Sword, Method # 2

Now for the second method: defeating Goht. This boss’s curse has led to an extremely long winter at Snowhead. Link must defeat Goht to bring springtime back to the Gorons. To do this, use Goron Link to chase Goht down and attack him until he’s defeated. After Link wins the battle, spring returns and the furnace is thawed out.

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5 The Razor Sword, Method # 3

Lastly, the fire arrow method is easy. Simply shoot a fire arrow at the furnace to melt the ice. Don’t forget to bring exactly 100 rupees so that Zubora will forge the Razor Sword. This sword is a nice upgrade, but after 100 strikes, it’ll turn back into the Kokiri Sword. Also, keep in mind that time traveling doesn’t support the Razor Sword. It will disappear once players go back in time, which is another one of the Razor Sword’s flaws.

4 The Gilded Sword

The Gilded Sword is much better than the Razor Sword. Just being able to get the Gilded Sword makes it well worth upgrading to the Razor Sword. Before starting, make sure to obtain the Razor Sword on the second day, not sooner nor later. This upgrade will not work unless the Razor Sword is obtained on day two.

The main ingredient needed for this sword is Gold Dust. Thanks to this fancy Gold Dust, Link’s new gold and black sword has a nice aesthetic appeal. Go complete the Goron Race as Goron Link to win a great prize: Gold Dust! Bring it back to the blacksmiths again for another sword upgrade. The great news is that this sword won’t break like the Razor Sword does. Additionally, it’s much stronger than the Razor Sword, and players can time travel without it disappearing.

3 The Great Fairy Sword

Getting this sword is simple. Though that depends on how players feel about temple fairies. These little creatures can be difficult, and it takes a lot longer to complete a temple when fairies are on the line. Prior to this, Link has the option to rescue fairies in each temple, which provides him with a reward. In this case, the reward is the Great Fairy’s Sword. Simply collect all the stray fairies in the Stone Tower Temple, then take them to the Great Fairy of Kindness in Ikana Canyon. She’s so grateful that Link cured her of the Skull Kid’s curse that she gives him the Great Fairy’s Sword.

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The Great Fairy’s Sword is the strongest of all three upgrades, which comes with some expected cons. Instead of being part of Link’s gear, the Fairy Sword is only usable as an item. It’s impossible use it with a shield, too, which can be frustrating at times. That aside, the Great Fairy’s Sword is four times stronger than the Kokiri Sword. Plus, it’s gorgeous and two-handed like Ocarina of Time’s Biggoron Sword.

2 Honorable Mention: The Fierce Deity’s Sword

This sword technically isn’t an upgrade, but it’s the most powerful sword in the game which makes it worth mentioning. This sword can only be obtained by using the Fierce Deity Mask. This mask is obtainable at the end of the game when Link meets the four children who are known as the Moon Children. These kids stand around the tree pre-Majora battle.

1 Getting The Fierce Deity Mask

These challenges aren’t easy. First, it’s impossible to complete their challenges if players lack even a single mask. Link must have all the masks in order to successfully challenge these kids. After completing their dungeons and giving the Moon Children all his masks, Link will receive the Fierce Deity Mask as a reward.

This mask is incredibly helpful to have during the battle with Majora, and after beating the game, Link actually gets to keep the mask. This permanent mask and sword combo is a great addition for all those extra dedicated fans who play the game after the boss is destroyed. The downside is that it can only be used during boss battles, so it’s only useful if Link re-defeats a boss.

As a fun fact, Link can wear it in fishing holes in the 3DS version, for some odd reason. However, the owners don’t let Link leave with it on, and the mask’s effects don’t work here.

NEXT: 5 Legend Of Zelda Games That Are Way Too Short (& 5 That Are Too Long)


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