Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Tips For Defeating The Legendary Bear

Red Dead Redemption 2 has to be Rockstar Games‘ most magnanimous title ever made. This game offers a faithful story and true-to-life gameplay mechanics. What makes the game so fascinating is its over-the-top details and a particular focus on realism. The era of 1899 has never felt so life-like in any movie or show before. Red Dead Redemption 2’s details are why people want to explore every bit of the world and the exciting encounters.

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One of those is hunting legendary animals. The game isn’t a hunting simulator but possesses enough ingredients to make the activity feel incredibly fun. But there are always some key things one must consider before going out on a hunt, especially if it’s the Legendary Bear.

10 Be Aware Of The Awards

One thing that players must consider before going on any hunt is the rewards. Whether it is Red Dead Redemption 2‘s Online or Story Mode, these benefits are always going to be a significant factor in pursuing an activity. Spending valuable time and money should always be extremely precise. Hunting a legendary bear will give players the ability to craft the Bear Claw Talisman. This helps in lowering the speed of health core reduction by ten percent. There are other things players can craft, as well.

9 The Location Of The Den

The second most important tip to ensure the victory is knowing the ins and outs of the location. The Legendary bear and other bears can be found near the O’Creagh’s Run. This is around Grizzlies East, and players should visit this area before going in for the Legendary Bear to try to pinpoint the location of the den. This will also help in understanding the potential hiding spots.

8 Focus On Tracks

Hunting, in reality, doesn’t go as easy as in most games. The reason is simple — an activity like hunting requires heightened senses and awareness. Since Red Dead Redemption 2’s primary focus is on details, it requires players to make use of these senses.

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The first one is tracking an animal. Tracking allows players to see the path of an animal. This is one primary functionality of the game that will help hunt any animal, let alone the legendary bear.

7 Keep Using Eagle Eye

The second most important functionality is the continuous use of Eagle Eye. This is activated by pressing the left trigger and the right trigger. However, when a player follows an animal and runs along the tracked path, it will disable the eagle eye. At this point, players will still see the tracked marks glowing on the ground; however, they’re never that clear. So keep pressing L3 and R3 every time the eagle eye disappears.

6 Keep Health & Dead Eye Tonics

One thing that is definitely going to help any player while on a mission, bounty, or a hunt would be tonics. Tonics are meant to provide additional effects and a part-time boost to the attributes. The most important of these is the Potent Miracle Tonic; however, others work just as well. So before going on the Legendary Bear hunt or any other activity, make sure you’re carrying a lot of these. Especially the ones that help boost deadeye.

5 Hunt Regular Bears

One thing that is undoubtedly going to help in getting good at this activity is hunting more animals. If the player wants to go in for a legendary animal, they should try to pursue the regular variant of these animals — the legendary bear is no exception.

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Hunting traditional bears, including the American black bear or grizzly bear, will allow for a better understanding of how these animals attack and their general reactions. This can be a nice warm-up that will prepare you for the encounter.

4 Use Cover Scent Lotion

Other than the tonics, some other things can be bought to make use while on a legendary hunt — among these is the cover scent lotion. As the name suggests, this isn’t a regular lotion —  it is a scent covering cream. This is very useful while hunting animals, as it hides the human scent for some time. This is highly beneficial if used in combination with eagle eye and tracking.

3 Use Bait

The second most important thing that will help spawn animals is the bait. Whether it is fishing, common herbivores, or predatory carnivores, baiting is incredibly useful for luring animals into traps and hunting them. So naturally, players may want to make use of the bait to draw the legendary bear into an advantageous spot while hunting it. The baits are incredibly crucial on later legendary hunts and Red Dead Online’s naturalist role.

2 Ranged Method: Sniper & Dead Eye

Once the players are absolutely ready, they can go in for the hunt. By this time, players will have enough bear experience and items to nail down this ferocious adversary. There are two easy methods players can use to hunt the beast. The first one is using a modified sniper rifle and enough deadeye to land 4-5 headshots. This can be done by spotting the animal from a distance and taking in a couple of tonic buffs to increase the deadeye. After this, it is just a matter of landing a few key shots, and the bear should perish.

1 Close Quarters Method: Repeater Rifle & Dead Eye

The second method is going up close and personal. This can be done by tracking the bear and standing at a mid-range. Using the cover scent lotion can really help here. The weapon of choice can be a modified repeater in combination with the dead eye. The main idea is to use the deadeye to make as many headshots as possible. Another small tip is the hunting spot. Try to find a location where you can leap and evade easily. Doing so should help in case the bear doesn’t fall as expected.

NEXT: Red Dead Redemption 2: Every Main Character’s Signature Weapon

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