Call of Duty: Warzone Players Believe Season Six Nerfed Vehicles

Call of Duty: Warzone is not in the most stable place as of late, with the game being plagued by weapon bugs, glitches, and cheaters. One recent issue with vehicles may be a developer choice rather than a bug, however, as Warzone players have discovered a potential vehicle nerf.

A Reddit user named aemich discussed the change, pointing out that “when you hop out of your vehicle your aim is set way off target” for a few seconds. Aemich goes on to ask whether their fellow Warzone players think this is a glitch or stealth nerf to vehicles. With Warzone getting a mode based on vehicle play, the latter option certainly seems like a possibility. Infinity Ward may have found it too overpowered to pull up on someone in a vehicle and jump out for a quick kill, taking the ability away from players.

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One commenter believes it is another Season 6 bug, however, plaguing players like Warzone’s demon texture glitch. User TerryTibbsTalkToMe claims to have experienced the glitch before, advising the original poster on how to avoid the issue. They say that the “trick is don’t push the stick/direction button at all when exiting a vehicle,” as doing so causes the camera to move in an odd way for a few seconds. The glitch goes beyond just vehicles too, apparently.

Another Redditor named chow-bot mentioned that they have “experienced this in the initial drop in” if free look is enabled. When exiting a free look, a player will apparently be facing in a completely different direction. Though AFK players are the bulk of the cause, perhaps these camera issues have contributed to some of Call of Duty: Warzone’s raining bodies. With the bug impacting both the dropship and ground vehicles of the mode, it seems to be a bigger inconvenience for players than initially thought.

Still, this issue with vehicles – assuming it is a bug and not a nerf – is likely pretty low on Infinity Ward’s list of priorities. With the two new weapons added to Season 6 completely broken and making some lobbies borderline unplayable, Infinity Ward is likely hard at work creating hotfixes and patches for the weaponry. With the AS Val firing through walls if equipped with SPP rounds and the SP-R208 accidentally being a hitscan weapon, the two overpowered guns are currently plaguing Warzone and Modern Warfare.

Hopefully, Infinity Ward patches problems with the game soon, as the team has confirmed that they are not done with Modern Warfare or Warzone quite yet. Modern Warfare Season 7 is supposedly on the way, and it will surely be bringing new goodies to Warzone along with it.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Infinity Ward Proves Update On Call of Duty: Modern Warfare AS VAL Issue


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