The 10 Best Roguelike RPGs, Ranked | Game Rant

Roguelikes have been a blooming genre full of opportunities these last few years, and we’ve gotten to see many amazing titles that have quickly become fan-favorites. The replayability of these games tends to hook in many players and, even years after their releases, keep a healthy player base.

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What games can consider themselves the best, though? With so many new ones coming out every month, it’s been a tough debate between the fans of the genre to see which one stands at the top. Gameplay, graphics, and general fun to be had are the keystones for these few games.

10 Wizard of Legend

This 2018 game by studio Contingent99 puts you in the shoes of a powerful wizard and allows you to learn various spells and use them in coordination with others to create destructive spells. Wizard of Legend is a title you strive to achieve by completing the Chaos Trials and beating the four bosses that block your path.

The game was well received at first but, sadly, it lacks content, and players tend to get bored after a few hours. The gameplay is entertaining and the possibilities are endless with how many spells you can unlock, but the game itself is rather short. Fortunately, co-op mode can add an extra spice to this magic roguelike.

9 Moonlighter

Two years ago, Digital Sun Games brought a game called Moonlighter. This work perfectly blends the learning curve of a roguelike with the wits needed for a business managing game. You play as the new owner of the Moonlighter, a shop that sells any kind of loot you can find deep down in the dungeons.

With great controls that are easy to learn and hard to master, Moonlighter is easily one of the most fun roguelike RPGs around to just grab and play for a bit. Plus, it has elements like your customers reacting differently if your items are overpriced, which adds a special turn to the fun.

8 One Step From Eden

One Step From Eden was easily one of the most anticipated games of 2020 after it was announced, and boy did it deserve the hype. This deckbuilding survival roguelike has a twist; the combat is in real time. You have to sling spells and dodge bullets non-stop while carefully building your spell deck.

With cute character designs and charming pixel graphics, One Step From Eden is a great game to play when you have time to spare. It has PvP as well, with an active community that is constantly evolving and learning new techniques. The game also comes with a setting that allows viewers to choose your path if you’re a streamer.

7 Crypt Of The Necrodancer

Made by Brace Yourself Games in 2015, Crypt of the Necrodancer still remains one of the best roguelikes around and is widely known as a fantastic game. The game follows Cadence and her journey deep into the Necrodancer’s lair, where she has to dance-fight monsters to find the fabled Golden Lute.

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The game is a mix between a normal dungeon crawler and a rhythm game, only allowing you to move if you press the keys on beat. Crypt of the Necrodancer puts your quick thinking to test and has some sweet music made by Danny Baranowsky to accompany you on your descent into the darkness.

6 Risk of Rain 2

Following the steps of its prequel, Risk of Rain 2 is a successful RPG roguelike that succeeds at making you feel alone… yet fully accompanied. This game puts you in a fierce planet full of wildlife that can (and will) kill you. This challenging first-person shooter will put your skills to test.

Risk of Rain 2 has many characters for you to unlock, and each has a different playstyle, so you’ll definitely find someone you like the best. Mastering Risk of Rain 2 is no joke though, and the hardcore Monsoon difficulty can make even the best players throw their controllers in frustration.

5 Slay the Spire

This 2017 game developed by MegaCrit and published by Humble Bundle is an example of what a roguelike should be like; fun, replayable, and very, very addicting. Slay the Spire is a turn-based deckbuilding game that has you explore rooms of a dungeon that get harder as you go on.

Even if a turn-based card game doesn’t pique your interest, Slay the Spire is certain to keep you entertained and intrigued throughout every gameplay. The challenge lays in choosing a good deck while also knowing what cards to use in what situations, so, if you like strategy, this game is for you.

4 The Binding of Isaac

This one is a bit of an oldie, but there’s no denying that it’s one of the pioneers of new-gen roguelikes, and players can all agree that it paved the path to the newer and bigger hits. Despite being from 2011, The Binding of Isaac has received various DLCs throughout its lifespan and it will most likely get even more in the future.

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You are Isaac. You live a tragic life that leads you to jump into a trapdoor that leads you to a basement full of aggressive creatures, and your only way to defend yourself is by shooting them with your tears. This game is not suited for all publics, because it has heavy symbolism and imagery that may disturb some audiences.

3 Enter The Gungeon

Everyone knows this Devolver masterpiece. Enter the Gungeon has become something known all around the Internet, and the game has grown a massive modding community. You enter a gun-themed dungeon in the search for the Gun That Can Kill the past.

The controls are easy to learn, but really hard to master. The game has charming graphics and character design that will pull you right in, as well as having a variety of guns larger than any other game. If you can think of a gun, the game probably has it. If not, there’s probably a mod somewhere out there that does.

2 Dead Cells

Dead Cells is what could be best described as a hybrid between a roguelike and a Metroidvania game. It takes the best elements from each of the genres and makes them into one of the best roguelikes from these last few years. The game requires a lot of quick thinking, skill, and decision making.

You’re undead, a body taken control of by a group of cells. You have to fight your way out of a prison, fighting other zombies and getting new equipment as you go. This game is sure to keep you thrilled for the entirety of a playthrough, and you’ll also want to play another run once you lose.

1 Hades

Hades, now on the Nintendo Switch, is a masterpiece when it comes to dungeon crawling. You play as Hades’ son, Zagreus, trying to escape from the Underworld and reach Mount Olympus. In this Diablo-like game, you’ll face various enemies that try to put a stop to your journey.

You have an array of blessings given to you by the gods of Olympus at your disposal, but your quest isn’t easy. This game will keep you at the edge of your seat and will urge you to keep playing and get more upgrades for your character. Easily one of the best roguelike RPGs out there.

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