Hades Contains More Words Than The Iliad and Odyssey Put Together

Recently, Supergiant released the full version of its new game, Hades. The rogue-lite game is based on Greek mythology, where the player takes on the role of Hades’ son Zagreus as he attempts to escape from the underworld. On his adventures, Zagreus encounters many different gods, goddesses, and characters of legend, and his conversations with them evolve as the game progresses.

Depending on what choices the player makes during their run, the other characters may comment on the boons that Zagreus has received or his current weapon. There are many different dialogue options that the developers programmed into Hades, allowing players to experience a more interactive and personal connection with the characters.

RELATED: Hades Interview: Dev Talks Early Access, Release, and Future of Game

Greg Kasavin, the creative director for the game, revealed that Hades‘ script contains over 300,000 words. This is a huge number, and to put this in perspective, the game’s script is longer than the classic epics of Ancient Greece The Iliad and The Odyssey together. These works of literature help inform the modern-day understanding of the Ancient Greek pantheon, and the game may not have been created without the influences of these two ancient stories. Another way to picture this amount is that the script is longer than The Lord of the Rings movies The Two Towers and Return of the King combined.

Kasavin also said that two-thirds of the game’s script is purely dialogue and that there were 21,000 different voice lines recorded for the game. Since this game is meant to be played over and over, Kasavin wanted to create more reactive moments to keep the game fresh.

Many players have jumped into Hades through Steam and on the Nintendo Switch, and elements like the game’s interactive nature have been drawing in more and more fans. Supergiant Games has done a great job with this game, and many are looking forward to what the developer will be doing in the future.

Hades is available now for PC and Switch.

MORE: 5 Figures From Greek Mythology That Should Be Added in Hades DLC

Source: Cultured Vultures

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