Star Wars: Squadrons – 10 Pro Tips For Flying A Bomber

Star Wars: Squadrons makes no effort to romanticize the devastation of a bomb. In both single-player and multi-player, firepower takes center stage. The wielders of these weapons, the bombers, are the galaxy’s greatest threats.

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Players that want this kind of terrifying responsibility will be appreciated by their own side, but at the cost of painting a huge target on their ships. Hardcore players know that they could stop every other ship, but if a bomber gets through, the war is lost. Still feeling up to the challenge? Here are some tips from the pros who make a habit of winning through a superior arsenal.

10 The Empire Or The New Republic?

Having just suffered the destruction of the Death Star and the death of the Emperor, players might want to join in on the dark side experience as an underdog. Or they might feel better about pressing the advantage as the Republicans (formerly the Rebels) and feeling all warm and fuzzy.

But this is the wrong way to make this choice. The Y-Wing and the TIE Bomber fill a fundamentally similar role, but the feel of each ship is very different. Play a few games in both and measure rates of victory before committing to one or the other.

9 Y-Wing Strategy

Y-Wings are the undisputed masters of damage. No ship in the game has the loadout that a Y-Wing has when it comes to missiles and bombs. They also have the most combined hull and shield strength. Don’t make the same mistakes as an Overwatch tank, avoid taking damage if possible, but a few shots across the bow aren’t the end of the world.

Stay in front of the supports and behind the fighters, if it can be helped. Use one loadout slot to help take down enemy fighters and another with heavy bombs. Progress forward until the objectives are in front, then take the lead.

8 TIE Bomber Strategy

Reading the above section, one might be afraid to pick the “inferior” TIE Bomber. But that’s only a belief on paper; it does not pan out in reality. TIE Bombers have several advantages over the Y-Wings that make victory more of a possibility.

With greater speed, TIE Bombers can dodge and survive attacks better. They also reach their objectives first, meaning they will get the first opportunity to end the mission before the Y-Wings even get a chance to approach. So get that speedrun stopwatch out for this video game!

7 Location, Location, Location

Sudden death is only fun on the giving end. New starfighters will be climbing into their ships and heading for the big, shiny objectives… then being scrapped for materials only a few seconds later. Star Wars: Squadrons is a game that emphasizes teamwork and dying suddenly in the middle of nowhere hurts the team badly.

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Bombers have the most difficult job when it comes to positioning. They should stay in front of their support crafts so they can receive bonus shields and protection, but they need to stay behind the thick of combat. The primary goal is to be a good escort craft until arriving at the destination.

6 Focus

As Star Wars: Squadrons quickly works its way up to the top of the difficult multiplayer video game charts, it’s easy for newer pilots to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things to do. But Bombers should take a deep breath and do one thing at a time.

Go ahead, engage and assist in some early space combat, but keep an eye on those objectives. After getting to the destination, your team will rely on the bomber unless they have a prepared A-Wing or TIE Interceptor prepared beforehand. Let the team handle the fighting after arriving.

5 Proper Loadout

As reviews come in for Star Wars: Squadrons, some readers will naturally wonder if early critics had enough time to really and truly master their selections. Picking up and playing might be fun, but getting in tune with a specialized ship is the most rewarding part of the game.

Bombers take this to a new level, with more options than any other class of fighter due to their expanded missile bays. The right loadout will depend on the team. If the team needs help with fighters, pack a few quick torpedos. If there will be a long time between points, get some extra shields. Do what the mission and team call for.

4 Learn The Missions

Understanding enemy ships, while a challenge, is something that every player, Imperial or Republican, will learn with experience. Y-Wings and TIE Bombers will have to master this and an additional learning curve if they want to climb the ranks.

The objectives for both sides is usually some Corellian Frigate or Star Destroyer covered with lasers, spewing fighters from hangers, and blotted with shield generators. There are also installations with fully navigable internal architecture. Bombers that equip the right weapons and know the targets are invaluable.

3 Active In Combat

Despite the tone of this article, Bombers are not useless cargo carriers before reaching their destinations. They might not be as good as a fighter or interceptor in combat, but that’s not an excuse to be a non-participant.

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The difference-maker in most fights will not be how well these dogfights go, but how well they are backed up. A friendly fighter will fire a missile that gets negated by countermeasures. That leaves the ship exposed to a missile from a bomber pilot who is paying attention. Help out squadmates in between objectives!

2 Boosting Systems

With the ability to amplify laser, engine, and shield systems, most players will die and immediately regret not being better about having the right system boosted at the right time. Leaving it alone is something that will work for newer fighters, but not for bombers.

Bombers should almost always be boosting a system. When being escorted, it should be engines. When under fire, it should be shields. And when arriving at the enemy base, it should be lasers. Bombers are rarely, if ever, in a situation that calls for half-measures and this should be reflected in their boosting.

1 Bravery

Pilots of interceptors, fighters, and support craft must all be brave in their own way. Chasing down enemy ships at high-velocity while under fire is not a task left to the squeamish. But the teammate with the most guts needs to be in the bomber.

Nobody else has the task of flying straight into a trench littered with laser turrets and launching enemy fighters. Nobody else has the responsibility of flying directly toward a capital ship armed to the teeth. Bombers do not have the luxury of retreat and should be piloted by those who opt for fight instead of flight.

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