Skyrim: 10 Hidden Details About The Khajiit Only True Fans Know

Khajiit are one of the default player races of Elder Scrolls and are most known for their cat-like features. Their forms are basically if a human and a cat just collided in our imaginings.

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From Morrowind to Oblivion and Skyrim, these cat people have always been around. In terms of their racial lore, it can be easy to play without knowing anything about them. Some players prefer that. Hardcore fans do know a good bit though from past games, reading in-game books, and just paying very close attention to any dialogue. From their designs to their religion and homeland, there is a lot to know about Khajiit.

10 Khajiit Take Different Forms Based On The Moons Phase When They Were Born

This is part of the complex lore of Khajiit physiology. Based on the moons phase they are born under, Khajiit can range from looking like a regular tiger to a furry and clawed human. Note that this is moons plural, as the world of Elder Scrolls has multiple moons. The two moons are called Masser and Secunda.

Let’s say a Khajiit is born under a Masser new moon and waxing Secunda, then they will be born as the Khajiit forms often found in Daggerfall. To know all these forms, a fan would need to do a load of research.

9 They Might Be One Of The Few Playable Races That Are Native To Tamriel

Along with the Argonians, Khajiit are possibly natives to Tamriel. For a long time, the main piece of evidence was that they lived there long before the elves arrived.

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We may never know, as game developer Matt Firor said in an interview that while it would be cool to know where the Khajiit came from, sometimes it is best to keep certain parts of lore unknown.

8 They Don’t Have Customizable Eyebrows

You wouldn’t think about the lack of eyebrow customization outside of the character creator but if the whole face is fur, then does a Khajiit really have eyebrows or does that mean its all eyebrow? You wouldn’t think about it but when you’re confronted with the fact it makes sense.

7 One Of The More Popular Playable Races

If you have friends who play Skyrim, then its likely you know at least one person who plays as Khajiit. After all, there are very few video games out there that let you play as a cat person.

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There hasn’t been a big official poll for the most played Skyrim race, but there have been little ones on Reddit. Based on a poll of over 200 people, Khajiit are the third most played race, just behind Bretons and Nords. Khajiit do have chaotic neutral or neutral evil vibes, which are very fun to play.

6 They Have Spiritual Leaders Called Clan Mothers

In Khajiit culture, their villages have Clan Mothers. These matriarchal roles serve as leaders for their communities and it often falls on them to share old stories and teach history. In terms of their spiritual leadership, they are known to listen to the Moons. The moons are very important to Khajiit, so they find the words of Clan Mothers to be most important because they have a deep relationship with the Moons.

They are known to be quite wise and there is still a lot of unknowns players wish to know, like how does a Khajiit become a Clan Mother?

5 They Have A Different Punch Animation From Most Other Races

While humans, orcs, Imperials, Breton, elves, Nords, and most other races punch with closed fights, Khajjit keeps their fingers open for slashing with their cat-like claws. This trait is only shared with one other race: the Argonians.

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The punching animation is just one of the many special details that make Skyrim a special game and make Khajiit an awesome race to play as. Also, yes, it does give their unarmed attacks a damage boost.

4 Moonsugar Is Important To Them

Moonsugar is native to the Tenmar Forest in Elsweyr, the homeland of Khajiit. For Khajiit, moonsugar is a part of their daily lives in their culture. However, it is illegal under the laws of the Empire. It is because it can be dangerous due to its addictive qualities. In fact, its a key ingredient in skooma (though Khajiit did not invent skooma).

Khajiit believe moonsugar to be “crystallized moonlight” and do not use it like a drug. In fact, they are naturally tolerant of it since they use it everyday as part of their diet.

3 They Can Have Tail Bugs

Skyrim is well-known for its bugs, and Khajiit characters can have some pretty hilarious glitches with their tails. This is especially likely to occur when Khajiit die. Like many Skyrim glitches, their bodies may get all jiggly upon death. Their tails can go absolutely bonkers as well.

For unfortunate players, this can occur while alive as well. Some get kinks in their tails or they have run and stopped running but their tails still swish around as though they are still in fast motion.

2 Khajiit And Argonians Are The Only Races That Can Have Piercings

Like the special punch animation, both Khajiit and Argonians are the only race to have this trait in common. In character creation, the ears can be adorned with various earrings. There are a lot of players that wish this could be done for other races, but that can easily be cured through fan-made mods.

The Khajiit deserve this after all. It could make up for the lack of eyebrow customization.

1 Unlike In Oblivion, Skyrim Khajiit Resemble Lynxs

Khajiit in various games tend to resemble different cats. They can be more like lions, cougars, tigers, leopards, domestic shorthairs, and more. In Oblivion, Khajiit resembled jungle cats like leopards and jaguars. In Skyrim, they are more similar to lynxes due to their thick cheek fur and pointed ears.

It is unknown whether the game developers did this on purpose or not.

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