Mega Man Battle Network: 10 Hardest Boss Fights In The Series

Doctor Albert W. Wily is the primary antagonist of the original Mega Man series due to having been granted massive funding for his diabolical research. Fans will remember the most difficult boss fights involving his creations. The brilliance of the Mega Man Battle Network is that it creates a parallel universe in which Dr. Wily did not win his grant application, but he’s not a man who needed money to unleash his evil nature, and he’s concocted software instead of hardware to bring about his legacy of darkness.

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The nature of the Mega Man Battle Network series makes it so that the player can farm power-ups in the form of chips and items in an effort to tackle the bosses. As a result of the player’s freedom, almost every boss in this game can be killed in a single round. However, these bosses can still move around quickly and get a few shots off to potentially put off instant death from even the most dedicated of gamers.

10 Serenade.EXE – Mega Man Battle Network 3

Art by @kanu_moon.

Serenade.EXE is the only other character, besides the protagonist, that was able to defeat any stage of Bass.EXE. Don’t take that fight to mean they are on the same side initially, as Serenade.EXE and MegaMan.EXE don’t exactly get off on the right foot.

The fight makes the player question if they are playing as a good or bad guy, but the misunderstanding is eventually ironed out. That is, of course, if the player can survive a vicious barrage of zigzag attacks and damage reflections.

9 PlanetMan.EXE – Mega Man Battle Network 2

Art by Bennett Baker.

Gamers are used to discussing different worlds. Sometimes this world is in terms of reality, like in the Final Fantasy series. Sometimes this world is a physically different planet, like in The Outer Worlds. And sometimes it is an exaggeration, like the secrets contained in Planet Zoo.

PlanetMan.EXE is none of those things; he’s an entire planet and a fill-in for the final boss in this installment. It should come as no surprise, then, that he has the most HP in the game since planets tend to have a good chunk of mass.

8 Life Virus – Mega Man Battle Network

Imagine a world without the internet. Yikes. Humanity would lose most of the progress made in communication and information accessibility over the last few decades. Thus, Dr. Wily’s horrendous creation, Life Virus, has a horror element to him, as he screams “DELETE!” in a rampage that threatens the entire internet.

Aside from trying to get rid of the player’s favorite browser games, Life Virus charges up devastating attacks, one of which can reduce MegaMan.EXE to one HP in a single blow. And lookout for a meteor that hits every single box!

7 Gospel (Bug Beast) – Mega Man Battle Network 2

Video game enthusiasts who also enjoy mechs and robots are likely to give serious consideration to either the Mega Man or Mega Man Battle Network series. But one of the reasons will not be because of Gospel.

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Gospel (aka Bug Beast) is an entity that infects many of the programs during the story, turning them into animals with distinctive black skin and neon square lights. Gospel also threatens to delete MegaMan.EXE with homing attacks and some unique buffs for its pal, Bass.EXE.

6 Cybeast Gregar – Mega Man Battle Network 6

When gamers think about their electronic families, their minds might conjecture if their favorite relatives will make it into The Sims 5. There’s a family of robots in Mega Man Battle Network 6, but they probably won’t be sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner anytime soon.

Gregar and its sibling Falzar are canonically at odds with each other, but in this entry, they briefly unite to defeat MegaMan.EXE. Gregar has lightning and fire breath weapons to damage the character up close and then it disappears and attacks the back row, eliminating any totally safe square for the player.

5 Cybeast Falzar – Mega Man Battle Network 6

Cybeast Falzar holds up its end of the sibling rivalry, dodging most of MegaMan.EXE’s attacks with the power of flight. Horrifically, Falzar has the ability to destroy any top chip the player is using if he lands a hurricane.

Fans of video game rivalries should be grateful that Gregar and Falzar have each other to butt heads with. Had these two united in the final major installment of the Mega Man Battle Network saga, it’s quite likely that they would have achieved the desires of their wicked programmers.

4 Nebula Gray – Mega Man Battle Network 5

By the time the fifth entry of the franchise comes around, Dr. Wily has been supplanted as the primary antagonist, but his work to fill the world with evil is hardly complete. Dr. Regal directly controls LaserMan.EXE, but it’s another creation of his, Nebula Gray, that becomes the most powerful villain.

Some Pokémon don’t need to evolve and stay powerful. Like them, Nebula Gray is powerful before evolving, but then he has four variations of himself that make it difficult to advise players on how exactly to defeat him. His attacks feverishly incorporate shapeshifting, swords, lances, life steal, meteors, and more.

3 Duo.EXE – Mega Man Battle Network 4

Human-designed robots in video games span the gamut from good to evil. Deep down, players might feel like they don’t understand automation, but perhaps they can somehow get through to the coding and processes to manipulate and control them.

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Duo.EXE is unlike any of these because its design is of alien origin. Dr. Regal manages to make Duo.EXE an even bigger menace when he tries to control it. This results in the program recognizing all of humanity as a threat to be annihilated. Like, Nebula Gray, it has four variations and a full range of devastating attacks.

2 Alpha/Omega – Mega Man Battle Network 3

Deities have a rich tradition on both sides of a television screen. Theory about divine power has defined the history of the Earth. In the Mortal Kombat franchise, gods are a huge part of their worlds and they’ve inspired some pretty sweet cosplays to boot.

When this villain endows itself as the Alpha and then the Omega, it gives itself divine attribution. Alpha’s layers of metal negate individual hits and its detachable arms deal wild and unpredictable damage. Top this with some quick movement and only the most elite of players will ever be able to see the credits roll at the end of this game.

1 Bass.EXE – Entire Series

No list about Mega Man Battle Network bosses would be complete without Bass.EXE. He’s a constant nuisance in every single one of the franchise’s games. He’s not even relegated to a single appearance in each of these games; his defeat only makes him stronger than before as he catches up with his nemesis, MegaMan.EXE.

All things considered, Bass.EXE is harder to beat than any other boss on this list for one single reason; he’s not a final boss. The main character often runs into him before being able to farm chips and upgrades. Catching the player off-guard is Bass.EXE’s specialty and it’s memorable enough to make him the most iconic and deadly boss of the entire series.

NEXT: Final Fantasy XIV: 10 Most Epic Boss Fights, Ranked


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