Resident Evil 4: 10 Hardest Non-Boss Enemies In The Game

With a whopping Metacritic score of 96, Resident Evil 4 is not only the best Resident Evil game, but one of the greatest games ever. Resident Evil 4 differentiated itself from the original trilogy by focusing less on the horror and puzzle-solving elements. Instead, it opted for over-the-shoulder action gameplay. Along with an impressive boss lineup, Resident Evil 4 earned plaudits for having a variety of enemies with many different attacks and weak spots.

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With the announcement of Resident Evil 8: Village, fans will be hoping that developers Capcom take a leaf out of Resident Evil 4’s book when it comes to the enemy variety on offer.

10 Castle Ganado

The Castle Ganado’s are similar to the first enemies in the game, the Village Ganados. What makes them difficult compared to their Village counterparts, however, is the collection of weapons at their disposal.

The Castle Ganado’s will attack players at range with crossbows and up close and personal with scythes and maces that do far more damage than the Village Ganados’ knives and axes.

9 Soldier Ganado

From a tougher version of the Village Ganados to a tougher version of the Castle Ganados. The soldiers are the most difficult Ganado’s in the game with military-grade weapons and armor that includes stun rods and rocket launchers.

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The Soldiers also tend to appear in tighter spaces. Making it tricky to take them down when they attack in numbers.

8 Regenerator

As the name suggests, Regenerators can grow back parts of their body if they are shot off. To kill a Regenerator, players must identify weak spots using an infrared scope to stand a chance of survival.

Fortunately, the Regenerator’s move at a sluggish pace, preventing them from being much higher on this list.

7 Colmillos

The Colmillos’ are difficult for two reasons. Firstly, they are Plaga-infested. Which results in them having damage inflicting tentacles with a frustratingly long reach.

Secondly, much like wolves in real life, they hunt in packs. This strength in numbers along with their lightning speed makes them a difficult foe to take down.

6 Iron Maiden

The Iron Maiden is similar to the Regenerator’s but has one key differential. They are covered in sharp spikes that not only increase their reach but also cause them to deal far more damage than their Regenerator counterparts. This is especially apparent in a unique attack that sees them pull Leon into their chest as they expand their deadly spikes, often killing Leon instantly.

5 J.J.

The Island’s answer to the Village’s chainsaw-wielding Dr. Salvador (more on him later). J.J. punishes players that give him a clear sight of them by unloading his giant Gatling Gun.

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J.J. has a huge amount of health and can also punish players who get too close to him by using his immense strength to strike them with his gun.

4 Novistador

Though they may not be the toughest enemies in the game, they are certainly the most frustrating.

The Novistadors come in two forms. The first can turn invisible, with players having to rely on the sound and sight of their footsteps on the watery sewer floor to stay alive. The second form is similar to the Colmillos in the sense that they attack in numbers. However, they are more difficult than their wolf counterparts as they can fly.

3 Dr. Salvador

The game’s most iconic villain. Dr. Salvador shocked gamers in 2005 when they heard his chainsaw revving for the very first time. If that sound alone wasn’t enough to strike fear into them, then being instantly beheaded by the sack wearing foe will have done the trick.

Dr. Salvador has far more health than the Village Ganados and also moves at a significantly faster pace. Dr. Salvador is also one of the game’s most difficult enemies as he is first encountered very early on in the game. Many players will still be figuring out the button layout as the chainsaw is first lunged towards them.

2 Bella Sisters

Capcom seemingly thought that one chainsaw-wielding maniac wasn’t enough, so decided to stick two of them together in a small pit. The Bella Sisters are very similar to Dr. Salvador, but have slightly higher health and swing their chainsaw’s at an even faster speed. They are also more difficult to stagger, making fighting them both simultaneously one of the toughest challenges that Resident Evil 4 has to offer.

1 Garrador

Despite not being able to deal the levels of damage that Dr. Salvador can, Garrador are far more difficult to take down. This is predominantly due to them having a singular spot on their back where the player can harm them. The Garrador are blind, but they make up for their lack of vision with heightened hearing. When players defeated a Garrador for the first time, they were likely relieved. Believing that it was the first and last time that they see the claw-wielding enemy.

However, their paths will cross on two other occasions. The first being in a tiny cage that they have to fight not only a Garrador in but multiple Castle Ganado’s as well. If that wasn’t enough, players will also have to deal with arrow firing Ganado’s who fire at players from outside of the cage. On the second occasion, players will have to fight two Garrador’s simultaneously. Meaning players will have little time to hit the Garrador’s weak spots, as the gunfire will instantly make the other Garrador aware of their location.

NEXT: 10 Resident Evil 3 Mods That Players Need To Try Out


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