Bloodborne 2’s Firearms Should Take a Big Step Forward

One of the key features that helped Bloodborne stand out from the Dark Souls franchise is the much more limited selection of weapons with higher versatility built into each one. However, while melee weapons like Ludwig’s Holy Blade held multiple forms offering a quick way for players to swap quickly between fighting styles, the ranged combat was fairly limited.

Ranged weapons in Bloodborne being limited to a single mode of firing meant that each one was able to be crafted to fit one specific utility, but outside of parrying, most of these weapons had little use in most encounters. A simple change in philosophy of ranged combat, by giving these weapons the same dual utility that melee weapons have, can make players completely reevaluate weapon builds and the value of investing in bloodtinge.

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One of the ways that Bloodborne 2 can address this issue of a lack of ranged utility is by taking the original Bloodborne‘s trick weapon feature from the melee weapons and applying it to guns. Some of these can range from changing firing rates to altering the type of damage that a weapon does, such as fusing the Flamesprayer and Rosmarinus with the choice to switch between the two. Going beyond the existing mechanics, a similar option for the Flamesprayer could be to switch between the normal short-ranged cone and a launched ball of fire that leaves a lasting flame on the ground.

Of course, the options are limitless, and FromSoftware has already been shown to be able to design dozens of well-crafted weapons in Bloodborne with multiple, distinct approaches to combat. In fact, some of this ranged versatility does already exist with certain bloodtinge weapons, like the Rifle Spear or Reiterpallasch, which gives players the option for ranged attacks from the melee weapon. However, the best way that the developer can utilize some new ranged combat is by including a whole new class of weapon that was given limited exposure in the Old Hunters DLC campaign.

The Old Hunters DLC introduced tons of new content, including some of Bloodborne‘s best bosses, as well as one weapon that may be the best payoff for a bloodtinge/skill build. Simon’s Bowblade is easily one of the best weapons available in the DLC, right up alongside the Holy Moonlight Sword and Rakuyo, thanks in part to its utility as a ranged weapon that can be aimed. This increased distance, while slow and difficult to utilize in the middle of a combat encounter, gives the player way more options for luring enemies and countering riflemen.

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More of these weapons could greatly improve some of the worst areas in Bloodborne, where simply being able to draw out enemies with long distance shots could keep players from being ambushed or ganged up on. Snipers, with a slow fire rate combined with high damage and range, could make the initial trip into Hemwick Charnel Lane into a battle of rifle versus rifle as opposed to a dark, confusing death trap. Similarly, a bow similar to Simon’s Bowblade has already proven to fit perfectly into the world, enhancing many encounters.

Another fix that FromSoftware may be able to accomplish as soon as a Bloodborne remaster for PS5 is to change both the damage output and fire rate of these weapons to give ranged weapons better DPS. One Dark Souls 3 mod called Cinders, by modder Xylozi, has actually done this before with tons of different weapons, but one of the most noticeable changes comes with making the bow a viable weapon in all forms of combat. This would be a complete departure from how firearms are currently meant to be used, but it can make certain weapons feel much more useful.

Whether players have to wait for this to appear in Bloodborne 2 or Bloodborne Remastered, the fact is that some weapons like the Cannon and Evelyn really don’t see the type of damage output that their lore would imply. Giving these weapons more utility beyond the few specific builds that can get any use out of them could be the best way to push bloodtinge as the viable build that veteran players have come to enjoy. Altogether, these firearms deserve a new look if FromSoftware wants to make sure that Bloodborne 2 is able to stand out on its own in the same way the original did.

Bloodborne is available now for PS4.

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