Call of Duty World Champion Reveals 11 Changes He Wants to See in Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty fans on PS4 have now had two opportunities to test the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War multiplayer. Treyarch made some significant changes to the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War multiplayer after the alpha test, and one has to imagine that changes will be implemented based on fan feedback to the beta as well. Two-time Call of Duty World Champion ACHES has offered his two-cents on the matter, revealing 11 changes that he wants to see “to make the game as competitive as possible for the 2021 season.”

ACHES begins his Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War recommendations with a disclaimer that he is not a game developer and does not know if the changes he wants to see be made would even be possible since the game is so late in development. He also went out of his way to point out things that he enjoys about Black Ops Cold War, like the maps, Gunsmith, and general gunplay. That being said, ACHES does believe that there is some room for improvement, and this is what he would like to see change.

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ACHES thinks that Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War‘s slide mechanics need adjusted so that sliding is slower, shorter, and players are forced to slide fully. Right now, there is an exploit in Black Ops Cold War that players can abuse to slide indefinitely, so this recommendation definitely makes a lot of sense. As far as movement in general goes, ACHES believes Black Ops Cold War would benefit from a movement speed buff.

Other changes ACHES wants to see in Black Ops Cold War include a complete overhaul of the Duster Stock and a buff for the Ninja perk, which is something that has been echoed by other professional players. ACHES would also make changes to grenades and throwable weapons in general by shortening the distance they can be thrown. He would also like to see EMP Grenades and the Hardwired perk from Black Ops 2 make a comeback.

More changes ACHES wants to see includes a revamp of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War‘s wildcard system as it’s “WAY too good” right now, a slight tweak to jump shotting so that guns don’t bounce so much when jumping and landing, as well as stim shot restrictions. And finally, ACHES has recommendations that would be restricted to competitive play only, like nerfing trophy systems and changing the way Black Ops Cold War scorestreaks work.

Whether or not Treyarch implements any of the changes recommended by ACHES or other Black Ops Cold War players remains to be seen.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War launches November 13 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: How Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Seems to Have Learned from Modern Warfare


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