Fall Guys Season 2 Map Tier List | Game Rant

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has skyrocketed in popularity since its release in August, becoming an absolute hit on Steam and the most downloaded PS Plus game of all time. After two months, many players have achieved some monumental crown wins and have completely maxed out the season’s battle pass of level 40, leaving the game feeling a bit repetitive for hardcore players.

Thankfully, Mediatonic has now released season two of Fall Guys which brings a fresh battle pass, new costumes to unlock, and four new rounds. The devs have also added some tweaks and updates to existing rounds in recent weeks, including the addition of a new obstacle known to players as “Big Yeetus.” This has all helped to rejuvenate the fun of Fall Guys, but how do the season two additions hold up to the game’s existing crop of rounds?

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Sitting at the bottom of the list is Perfect Match. The memory game is the only one of the ‘logic’ type in Fall Guys and probably for good reason. For most players, the round is hardly a challenge and most of the time following the herd can save any stragglers who didn’t remember the correct tile. Perfect Match rarely eliminates huge numbers of players, meaning it takes that much longer to get to the final round.

Similarly, Roll Out is easy enough to qualify as long as players don’t take risks. The game also will not end until its reached a set number of eliminations meaning Roll Out can sometimes take ages to finish. This often means the biggest challenge for gamers in Roll Out is their fellow players who resort to griefing each other to end the round quicker. Jinxed also sits as the lowest of the team games in Fall Guys. Jinxed always consists of 20 players per side who are forced to run around aimlessly until they are either jinxed or find someone who isn’t, which can become difficult thanks to the unpredictable grab mechanics and huge number of players.

Tail Tag and Team Tail Tag are both incredibly frustrating games. Thanks to the often glitchy grab move in Fall Guys, some players can find themselves losing their tails from a mile away, which often kills the fun factor, and at 90 seconds, the rounds feel far too long. But the tail games can also lead to some truly spectacular last second crown wins. These often occur in the final round of Royal Fumble, but usually a win comes down to luck and not skill making it the least preferable final round in Fall Guys.

Hoarders and Rock ‘N’ Roll can be fun team games, but are far more reliant on team members actually working together, which can be wildly unpredictable in a game like Fall Guys. Rock ‘N’ Roll in particular often comes down to two teams trying to sabotage each other instead of focusing on getting their own ball into the goal. The game has become more interesting with the random modifications of extra hammers or obstacles in the final stretch, but that can also add to the frustration as well.

Door Dash is a quick and easy race round, but can also go very wrong very quickly. Door Dash is entirely dependent on luck meaning players can find themselves on a winning streak of correct doors but then just as easily lose the game with one wrong choice.

Fall Guys tends to have challenging variations on similar games, which is something they’ve continued into season two with Egg Siege, a medieval spin on Egg Scramble. As a team game, Egg Scramble offers more variation for players who can work together to steal eggs or defend the nest. Egg Siege takes this to the next level with a wider area to play in and more in-game obstacles, which makes teamwork an even higher priority. But the extended map and new nest layout does make it harder to travel eggs between camps, making Egg Siege more challenging than Egg Scramble, which some players may or may not appreciate.

Another pair of similar games are Jump Club and Jump Showdown, with the latter being one of the final rounds in Fall Guys. Both games provide enough of a challenge with players needing to jump sets of revolving bars with correct timing to avoid being swept into the slime. This can devolve into insanity in Jump Club where there are significantly more players involved, but the final moments in Jump Showdown require true skill to win as extra platforms fall and the bars move faster.

Gate Crash has often been a solid race round, but the modifications to the game’s timings have rescued it from being too easy. Block Party, on the other hand, hasn’t had many changes from the base game but continues to be challenging thanks to the chaotic number of players in a small space. Rounding out the middle tier is See-Saw, a racing game that requires plenty of timing and forward thinking. As an early qualifying round, See-Saw is often difficult because of the huge numbers of players which can easily tip the see-saws into oblivion. But wild card factors have recently been thrown in to give player’s an edge, such as Big Yeetus and a rare mod that reverses the direction of the see-saws.

Hoopsie Daisy has proven itself to be one of the most enjoyable team games as it rewards players for their skill by providing some genuinely difficult hoops to jump through. Hit Parade and Dizzy Heights are quick gauntlet style races but have been improved upon in recent updates with occurrences of new obstacles and changing level design, which makes the games genuinely challenging once again.

Fruit Chute and Tip Toe are two of the most difficult race games. Fruit Chute relies on a player’s skill to avoid flying fruit as they run up a treadmill, but one bad knock can cause a player to return to the starting line. Tip Toe often dissolves into madness as players bunch onto safe squares while waiting to see which platforms wobble and which are safe to walk on. Tip Toe can reward risk-taking players but can just as easily send a player back to the starting line with a false step. Both games make for challenging and chaotic gameplay, which are two of the hallmark features of Fall Guys.

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The Whirlygig is one of the best early race rounds which requires players to use base platforming skills like jumping and timing to get the best results. But the addition of 50 or so extra players who can easily throw off an individual player’s game just adds to the challenge that always keeps Whirlygig feeling unpredictable and fun. Fall Ball is often a favorite team game in Fall Guys, which requires teammates to work together to attack and defend their sides of the field. Recent mods to Fall Ball have also made it extra challenging with obstacles such as pendulums appearing in goals and new ball drop variations, like bananas, that keep players on their toes.

Slime Climb is heralded as one of the most challenging race levels, with players needing to survive each obstacle successfully or fall into the game-ending slime. New updates to the game have kept the round challenging for slime climb speed-runners with falling logs and giant hammers replacing some of the easier obstacles. Fall Mountain is also up there as one of the best final round games, with a challenging race track that combines all of the obstacles Fall Guys is known for.

A couple of season two new rounds make it up to the A-Tier, in particular, Wall Guys. Introducing the idea of movable platforms into Fall Guys could turn out to be a game changer for the battle royale game as players need to work together but also fend for themselves. Wall Guys is a simple enough concept, players must move different sized blocks to form stairs that they can use to jump over a series of walls. But in Fall Guys that means dozens of players fighting to jump on the same blocks at the same time to cross the line first – chaos at its finest.

Hoopsie Legends also builds on the concept of Hoopsie Daisy with players needing to raise their individual score of hoops in order to qualify. Adding in the movable blocks into this round makes Hoopsie Legends even more challenging as players try to build a pathway to hoops without another player stealing it first.

Without the addition of any new final rounds in season two, Hex-A-Gone still leads the pack in Fall Guys. The game is a blend of platforming and strategy as players try to outlast each other on tiered levels that are constantly being eaten away. Hex-A-Gone isn’t truly over until it’s over, as players who are on higher levels can still easily fall straight down to the slime. But for those who have mastered the jumping mechanic, Hex-a-Gone makes for a very exciting final round.

Knight Fever, the last season two round, is also one of the best. The gauntlet style race brings in some new challenges unseen yet in Fall Guys such as moving draw-bridges and the new “Thicc Bonkus” pendulums, which all combine to bring a fresh round to the game. While being a race round, Knight Fever relies more on patience and timing, which is very easily ruined amongst so many players. Knight Fever combines everything Fall Guys is known for but manages to do so in the medieval style of the season, which easily establishes it as one of the best Fall Guys rounds.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Season Two is available now on PC and PS4.

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