Skyrim: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Forsworn

Among the many factions the Dragonborn can’t join in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are the Forsworn, or the Reachmen. Located in the southwest hold of The Reach, all around the city of Markarth, these native people of the local lands are in a bitter rivalry against the local Nords and the Empire.

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The Forsworn are generally antagonists and hostile during the events of Skyrim. That being said, they deserve to be studied on their own due to their unique culture and their rich history that takes them far back to their roots from the Bretons of High Rock. Here’s what we still need to know about these fierce defenders of the Reach.

10 How Do They Appease Hagravens?

Traditionally, Hagravens have been known to be an important part of Forsworn tradition. It’s difficult to say why exactly this is the case, since Hagravens are often considered evil witches that work and cooperate with no one.

As such, it would be cool to know how the Forsworn actually cooperate with the Hagravens. Are they friends with all of them, or do only some give their blessings to the Forsworn? And most importantly, do Hagravens ever betray the Forsworn, or do they receive something valuable in return for their loyalty?

9 Why Can’t A Breton Dragonborn Join Them?

It’s a bit of a shame that the Dragonborn can’t join this immensely interesting faction. It kind of makes sense for characters who are Nords or other races, but for Bretons this would have been a really great gameplay opportunity to put in.

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Imagine a Dragonborn that goes to fight for the Forsworn, rather than partake in the civil war. Although it’s highly unlikely the Forsworn will be featured in any future games due to being natives to Skyrim, it’s still a question that needs an answer: why can’t a Breton player character join?

8 What Is Their Hierarchy Like?

Despite being sort of a big group of people, so little is actually known about the Forsworn and how they conduct internal day-to-day business. Every player will know Madanach, the leader of the rebellion, but aside from him, there isn’t that much information.

How do the Forsworn camps organize themselves? Who’s in charge and who makes the small decisions for each group stationed across the Reach? Hopefully in the next game some of the lore books will specify what happened to the Forsworn.

7 Are Forsworn Their Own Sub-Race?

Who exactly are the Forsworn? Defining them as a group is difficult. Initially, they came to the Reach as a sub-race of Bretons who were closer to elves and who were interbred with Nords at some point. That would therefore define them as a specific race with specific powers.

However, during the events of Skyrim it’s revealed that some of the “regular” Bretons have joined their ranks, too, which would mean the concept of a Forsworn is more about spirit rather than about race. So, which one of these is the correct definition, or are they both true? What are the requirements to be considered a Forsworn?

6 Why Are They So Scattered?

While it’s true that the Empire and Nords must be doing something to keep the Forsworn from fully uniting, logically, they’re also busy trying to fight a civil war in Skyrim. As such, one would imagine that keeping the Forsworn apart is the last of the Empire’s or Ulfric’s concerns.

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And still, for some reason, the Forsworn continue to live in scattered little camps all around The Reach, with seemingly no willingness to unite in one area to build a massive city or army that could actually have a proper chance at defending itself. Why don’t they organize a unification?

5 Why Did The Reachmen Once Accept The Loss Of Their Lands?

A while back, there was actually a time when the Forsworn were allowed to carry on their lives in The Reach. Although they were stripped from their land, the Nordic population allowed them to continue practicing their own cultural traditions.

Why can’t this agreement be reached at this point? If the Forsworn were once fine with not having land to their name, surely this could be the case now, too? It’s likely that the Markarth Incident left a bitter taste in their mouth, but considering the civil war and how Ulfric is in a weak position against the Empire, they should be happy the Empire is so determined to put an end to him.

4 Why Do They Attack Non-Nords?

The Forsworn are primarily concerned with two things: the Nords who are in a rivalry with them over their native lands and the Imperials who have a legal claim on the same lands as well. Beyond that, logically, the Forsworn shouldn’t have any reason to act hostile towards anyone.

And yet, the Forsworn will attack just about anyone on sight when they approach their encampment. This makes them even more hated among the people of Skyrim, which begs the question: why attack a lone traveler in the first place?

3 How Do The Briarhearts Live?

The most interesting and macabre aspect of Forsworn culture is undoubtedly the ritual to become a Briarheart. Brave Forsworn men will take on this ritual with a Hagraven and offer their heart in exchange for a Briarheart to be placed within their chest instead.

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What exactly is it that keeps them alive, then? How powerful must this magic be, to keep an entire human body alive without a heart? These undead Reachmen are incredibly ferocious and powerful, and when pickpocketed for their Briarheart, will amusingly die instantly.

2 Why Are They Hostile Even After Madanach’s Rescue?

During one of the major quests in Markarth the Dragonborn has the opportunity to help and rescue Madanach, the leader of the Forsworn resistance. He’s the only notable Forsworn character in Skyrim and following his rescue the player will receive a unique item.

Given that they’ve helped him, one would expect the Forsworn to then leave the Dragonborn alone and act peacefully around them. And yet, apparently saving Madanach isn’t a kindness deep enough. This is something that both doesn’t make sense and needs an answer to.

1 Why Aren’t They Allowed At Least A Part Of Their Land?

The rivalry between the Forsworn and the Nords is incredibly bitter, and hostilities aren’t likely to change even as time goes on. However, a man like Ulfric who leads the Stormcloaks should understand what it means to want to protect one’s native lands, which is why he should empathize the Forsworn.

Why aren’t they given at least a sliver of the Reach? They could even build a city of their own if they all united under the same banner in the same area, and if the Nords gave them their peace to live as they please. It seems the hatred is more out of principle than necessity.

NEXT: Can You Get Divorced In Skyrim? & 9 Other Things The Game Doesn’t Tell You


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