Xbox Series X Quick Resume Works Even When Console is Unplugged

The next-generation of consoles looks set to introduce exciting new elements into gaming and the Xbox Series X is no exception. Many have noted the impressive specifications of the Xbox consoles and it seems that quick loading times aren’t all that fans have to look forward to. An element that has attracted the attention of several gamers is the Quick Resume feature that allows players to play and pause multiple games at the same time without rebooting.

Many would already feel that Quick Resume sounds like a welcome addition to gaming, particularly as players can now scroll through titles like tabs. However, there have been outstanding questions about how this system would work and whether it would be as fluid as early showings have suggested. This appears to be the case as some lucky individuals test out the system, and industry insider Alanah Pearce has revealed that the resume functions also work after the console is switched off.

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The writer and producer wrote about how Quick Resume added convenience that extended past quick game switching in one session. It seems that the Xbox Series X can pause games for a “week” and still offer players the opportunity to jump back in at the point that they left off. Looking at the technology from this perspective may add more value and even if some do not see an immediate need, it is undoubtedly a convenient addition to the console. Furthermore, if players can immediately Quick Resume when they switch on the console, then games will be very easy to boot up.

There are plenty of updates in the Xbox Series X and many will look forward to experiencing the next-generation. Whether all of the new features will be a hit remains to be seen, but the Quick Resume feature does appear to be one of the most interesting new features to arrive in the next-generation. Time will tell if it has a use that is repeated by players, but at the moment there does seem to be an audience for this kind of technology.

While many seem to favor the PlayStation 5, the Xbox Series X is still offering an interesting package with innovative technology. With this in mind, the console may still win over some new fans with its Quick Resume feature.

The Xbox Series X releases November 10.

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