Call of Duty: Warzone Cheaters Hiding Under The Map to Target Easter Egg Hunters

Call of Duty: Warzone has seen no shortage of glitches since the release of season 6, but none seem as cruel as the latest bug being taken advantage of within the game. Mean Call of Duty: Warzone players are not only hunting down easter egg hunters, but they are using an under the map exploit to do so.

Players attempting to acquire the Firebrand Bruen Mk9 weapon blueprint need to complete a lengthy easter egg within Warzone’s Verdansk map, one that sees players landing at a specific bank in the downtown area. While some players land with them to seek out a fight, at least those battles are fair. The bigger issue comes from people who are finding a way to glitch under the map and kill off would-be easter egg hunters.

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Reddit user Sincerely_ posted a photo of the under the map view cheating players can achieve, refusing to show a video so that players cannot replicate the glitch. Hopefully, Infinity Ward fixes the issue soon, as the powerful exploit allows for huge sightlines to pick off players in the actual game. Players being killed by the glitch are hopeless when it comes to putting up a fight, as even powerful weapons like the CR-56 AMAX cannot pierce through the ground of Verdansk.

If players survive the cheaters near the bank, however, they are just as likely to be picked off by the pathetic players using the exploit within Warzone’s new subway system. Reddit user NinjaSawce posted a clip of the unfortunate death, seemingly being killed off by an invisible enemy. The reality of the situation, however, is that NinjaSawce was killed by an unkillable player hiding beneath the Subway tracks.

Shown within the killcam of NinjaSawce’s clip, the enemy was deep under the map and fired up at the player who was seeking to unlock the special Bruen blueprint. NinjaSawce and his teammate had no hope of winning the battle, and it really is a shame to see the hardworking players robbed of reaching their goal. Hopefully, this under the map exploit is fixed soon, as well as the prevalent stim glitch in Warzone that the player mentions within the title of the post.

For players bothered by the prevalence of unskilled players using glitches, it may be fun to see an invisible player gunned down in Warzone. With most cheaters on the winning end of the fight, though, hopefully Infinity Ward can get some of the game’s problems fixed soon — especially this under the map glitch that is ruining easter egg hunts.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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