Fire Emblem Three Houses: Five Units You Should Use In Maddening Mode (& Five You Should Avoid)

Fire Emblem: Three Houses‘ Maddening Mode is often regarded as one of the toughest and frustrating difficulties the series has seen. Players who attempt the difficulty without the correct preparations or strategies may find the difficulty more than they are willing to put up with.

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One of the key factors when completing Maddening Mode is to make sure that one using the strongest units at their disposal and making the most out of their resources. While each unit in Three Houses can be quite good in their own right, there are some that can make Maddening Mode much more bearable and some that may be holding a strategy back. So today, we’re going to examine the five most integral units for completing Maddening Mode, and five who should be left on the bench.

10 Use: Marianne

In Maddening Mode, it’s understandably easy to get tunnel vision about using the units that are capable of withstanding the most hits and dealing the most damage. However, having the right support units to back up one’s army can make or break a strategy. Available in every route and joining from the very beginning in the Golden Deer, Marianne is one of the most useful support units in Three Houses. An excellent healer who learns useful support spells such as physic, Marianne is one of the few units capable of learning silence, a spell that can temporarily shut off a deadly magic-based foe. Additionally, Marianne is also one of the strongest contenders for a dancer one can use in Maddening Mode.

9 Avoid: Ashe And Ignatz

As sweet as their characters may be, Ashe and Ignatz are both units who suffer from the same problems in Maddening Mode: a combination of fragility and low offense. Even though both of these characters are often kept in the back lines due to their pension for bows, the high defense of enemies in Maddening Mode makes it quite difficult for them to deal much more than low chip damage. Even worse, due to their abysmal combination of low defense growth rates and base stats, it’s common for these two to get killed in a single round of combat in Maddening Mode.

8 Use: Annette

Like Marianne, Annette is a unit who is able to contribute some of the best support in Three Houses. While Marianne totes an excellent supportive spell list, Annette has a unique access to numerous Rally abilities that she gain through her Authority Rank. This allows Annette to use her action to raise stats such as Strength of other units.

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As every point of damage matters in Maddening Mode, this ability can allow a unit to kill an enemy that they couldn’t have otherwise. While her Rallying is the main appeal of Annette, her magic and offense spell list is decent in its own right as well.

7 Avoid: Hanneman

Hanneman is a member of the Church of Seiros that can be recruited once a player reaches Chapter Eight as long as Byleth is at least level fifteen. Unfortunately, Hanneman’s late join time prevents players from training him and teaching him for the majority of the Academy Phase. This is made only worse by his narrow utility, as he is most useful as a magical damage dealer. By the time he joins, a player will likely have a strictly better magic unit such as Hubert, Dorothea, Annette, or Lysithea.

6 Use: Jeritza

While low availability is usually viewed as a death nail when it comes to a unit’s viability in Maddening Mode, Jeritza is a notable exception. Joining a player’s army at the beginning of the war phase of the Crimson Flower route, while Jeritza comes along with some moral ambiguity, he joins a player’s army with phenomenal base stats.

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This allows Jeritza to immediately fall in line and become one of the most powerful units at a player’s disposal, all without any investment of effort on a player’s part.

5 Avoid: Dedue

While Dedue can pull his weight and is a serviceable and sturdy unit in the Academy Phase of an Azure Moon play through, once a player reaches the time-skip, his usefulness becomes stunted. This is because Dedue becomes unavailable from chapter thirteen until chapter sixteen. This causes Dedue to fall behind all of a player’s other units and lose out on a great deal of experience and potential teaching time.

4 Use: Each Lord

While this may seem obvious, the strength of the protagonists of each respective routes of Three Houses cannot be overstated. No matter which route a player selects, Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard are easily the most powerful combat units of their respective routes, each possessing above average growth rates. This allows each lord to serve as one of (if not the) most reliable unit at a player’s disposal.

3 Avoid: Anna

While one would expect the DLC characters of Three Houses to be more useful than other units in the game, Anna proves this theory otherwise. Easily one of the worst units in Three Houses, Anna has mediocre base stats and growth rates. While her skills and strengths would lend her towards the DLC trickster class, she is severely outshined by Yuri in every regard.

2 Use: Catherine

Like Hanneman, Catherine is a member of the Church of Seiros. Capable of being recruited in all routes except Crimson Flower, Catherine can be recruited if Byleth is level fifteen or higher. However, this level threshold can be lowered by raising Byleth’s support with Catherine, allowing her to join a player’s army much earlier. This is integral, as Catherine has fixed base stats and will join a player’s army as a potent Swordmaster with excellent stats early into the game This allows Catherine to function in a similar method to pre-promote characters such as those of the “Jagen” archetype.

1 Avoid: Caspar

Caspar is an unfortunate unit who seems as though he was built to fail when it comes to Maddening Mode. Pretty much anything that a player would want in a unit in Maddening Mode, Caspar lacks.

Hindered by a bane in authority that prohibits Caspar from using potent gambits, keeping Caspar alive is an uphill battle due to his low base stat and growth rate in defense. Additionally, Caspar’s personal skill is rarely relevant and his lack of a crest doesn’t do him any favors.

While Ashe and Ignatz can at least deal chip damage safely from afar, Caspar’s inability to reliably use bows forces him to engage with foes who can easily defeat him. This means that the most surefire way of keeping Caspar alive is by relegating him to the bench.

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