Bloodborne Modder Waiting to See What Sony Does With PS5 Before Releasing 60FPS Mod

Bloodborne was an exclusive game for the PlayStation 4 but many are excited to play the game on the next generation of consoles from Sony. The title followed the conventions of other games from FromSoftware Inc. and it was incredibly difficult as well as rewarding. While the game was not noted for being poor visually, a modder has begun developing a patch for the game that puts the title at 60 frames per second. However, they seem to be reluctant to release the patch at the moment.

A great deal of fan-made content has run into licensing issues as the owners of the property want to maintain creative control over its licenses. While this is a common occurrence, this does not seem to be what concerns Lance McDonald. Instead, it seems that the modder is more concerned with what Sony intends to release in the future and how Bloodborne could be impacted by a patch.

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In a tweet, McDonald explained that the release of their patch does not depend on Sony “failing” to release a product. Instead, the modder explained that they do not wish to get “in the way”  of “Sony doing important and awesome work.” McDonald went on to confirm that the patch will be released whether or not Sony does deliver a 60 fps version of Bloodborne. It seems that this tweet is connected to the Game Boost feature that has been announced for Ghost of Tsushima and its potential to be used on Bloodborne.

Ghost of Tsushima is having a boost to 60 fps on the PlayStation 5 through the Game Boost feature and this may well be what the modder expects to happen to Bloodborne. Nonetheless, it does seem odd that an unofficial patch would be delayed because of the operations of a developer and publisher.  Going forward it will be interesting to see when the patch is delivered and whether Bloodborne will get the Game Boost treatment. Many will hope the game will get this improvement as it is a title that a unique and inspired aesthetic quality.

The modder has made the update by using the code of Dark Souls 3 which has the same engine as Bloodborne and it will undoubtedly be an impressive piece of fan-made content when it is released. With that said, many will hope that an official boosted version of the game is also released in the near future.

Bloodborne is out now for PS4.

MORE: Rumor: Bloodborne PS5 Remaster Leaked By French Retailer


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