Skyrim: 10 NPCs You’ve Never Talked To | Game Rant

If Bethesda does one thing well, it’s making their worlds feel alive. With over 1,000 NPCs to meet, marry, or kill, the world of Skyrim is no exception. From important Jarls to master mages, there are plenty of NPCs that most players encounter along their journey through important quests or interesting dungeons.

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Some other NPCs, however, don’t exactly stand out in the same ways. While many modders have made dedicated additions to bring out the potential of these less than unique characters, most players have probably never even thought about speaking to them and never will. These unimportant or secret NPCs make Skyrim feel full and alive. 

10 Deep-In-His-Cups

The quest “A Night To Remember” is full of funny events and hooks as players try to retrace their steps after a drunken blackout. After the quest has been completed, however, players can discover one last little joke from that terrible (or amazing) night. Some players might be approached on the road by an Argonian wearing a simple hide helmet named Deep-In-His-Cups. The Argonian claims the player owes him 10,000 gold after he was bet to steal the hat of a nearby bandit chief and clearly, he has succeeded. Players can fight Deep-In-His-Cups, convince him to leave, or pay him the gold. Either way, this Argonian certainly adds a nice dynamic to an already silly quest.

9 Plautis & Salonia Carvain

Before the Dark Brotherhood mission Bound Until Death where the Dragonborn kills Vittoria Vici on her wedding day, players are able to encounter Salonia Carvain and her husband Plautis accompanied by their bodyguard snootily making their way through Skyrim to attend the imperial wedding.

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The pair are rude and overall satisfied with Skyrim as a whole. Well, the pair will get their due, as after the quest is complete, players can find the two again wandering the roads of Skyrim. This time, however, they’ve had a change of fate. Plautis is now in rags and Salonia no longer has shoes. The pair were robbed, attacked by sabercats, and have ultimately had a terrible time in Skyrim.

8 The Mad Woman

After completing The Mind Of Madness, players will be able to randomly encounter an old woman roaming the wilds of Skyrim, with only the name, “Mad Woman.” She will mutter to herself about the blue palace and will repeatedly say the word “wabbajack.” Wabbajack is the Daedric staff earned at the end of The Mind of Madness. By using this staff on the madwoman, she will transform into a rabbit and then eventually back into a person. Killing her will reveal that she carries a pair of tongs, which references The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion’s Shivering Isles DLC, which takes players to the same Daedric prince’s domain and holds a quest where the player has to collect tongs.

7 Dushnamub

Dushnamub is a character many players will never meet in Skyrim. As an Orc sequestered away in the Orc Stronghold of Narzulbur, it’s hard enough just to safely gain access to this NPC in a peaceful way. Ultimately, Dushnamub is a blacksmith at the stronghold, but with mediocre merchandise, most players will simply pass him by. Speaking to Dushnamub will reveal that he’s the son of the chief and distrusts how his aunts act with his father, believing they may be sleeping together. 

6 Endarie

This High Elf and her sister, Taarie, run the Radiant Raiment garment shop in Solitude. While Taarie has a quest the player can complete titled “Fit For a Jarl” to earn her hand in marriage, Endarie has no such quest and isn’t marriable.

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On top of it all, her personality drives many players away. As a clothing shop, the Radiant Raiment doesn’t sell any quality gear to the Dragonborn, as there is almost no reason any player would choose to wear fine clothes over armor or robes. (Besides the delectable fashion.)

5 Arcturus

Arcturus is a name some players might recognize, but they won’t know why. This Imperial man is a member of the Penitus Oculatus, the emperor’s personal guard and espionage force. During the Dark Brotherhood quest “Death Incarnate” Arcturus is found fighting with Nazir back in the dining room. The player has no choice but to immediately kill Arcturus and save their friend. Arcturus is one of many named characters who exist to fill out the world of Skyrim, but ultimately has no personality outside their job.

4 Tsrasuna

During the quest “Ill Met by Moonlight,” the Dragonborn is sent to Bloated Man’s Grotto hunting Sinding for the Daedric Prince Hircine. One Khajiit bandit who also plans to hunt Sinding in Tsrasuna, and while she may die in the hunt, she’s there, and players can certainly talk to her if they take the time. With a matching set of hide armor and a longbow, she definitely won’t stand out to any players used to meeting random hunters all across Skyrim’s many winding trails.

3 The Mad Man

On the island of Solstheim, added by the Dragonborn DLC, players may encounter a mysterious figure out on the icy beaches of the island. From a distance, players will see a figure crouched and hunched, casting a spell. As the Dragonborn approaches, the wizard will mutter an incantation and will a sudden flurry of spell energy, will skyrocket upwards into the air cheering as he flies away. He will then quickly plummet back to the ground and his death. On the man, all that can be found is a book titled “Journal – Madman’s.”

2 Snorried

A simple Nord who lives in the East Empire Company warehouse, Snorried doesn’t have much to offer. He sleeps in his bedroll most of the time and will occasionally wake up if he catches someone entering or exiting the warehouse. That’s all there really is to Snorried. He doesn’t have anything in his inventory besides his clothes and he doesn’t have any interesting dialogue or quests. He’s just a man, living in a storage area, watching things happen. He only exists to be snuck past. It’s a pretty sad life for a Nord and it’s pretty clear this guy is never getting into Sovngarde.

1 Keeper Carcette

Keeper Carcette is an NPC most players will never get the chance to meet because she’s actually rare to encounter. She’s a Breton who leads the Vigilants of Stendarr at the Hall of the Vigilants to the south of Red Road Pass. She’s so difficult to actually meet because she dies during a vampire raid at the Hall of the Vigilants very early on in the game. Unless players beeline for the Hall, they’ll never learn that she has basically the same dialogue options as all Vigilants of Stendarr, but has the capability to train the Dragonborn in restoration magic. It’s a shame she’s bound to die at the hands of some powerful vampires.

NEXT: Crazy Skyrim Rumors That Turned Out To Actually Be True


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