Viral Fan Art Combines Charizard and Greymon | Game Rant

The fight over whether Pokemon or Digimon is superior has been going on for decades. Many like to debate with valid arguments, heated discussions, or even funny memes on whether Digimon or Pokemon is better. But one creative Twitter user has an interesting answer to the question: both.

Twitter user @rheinart_paleo (R. T. Hein) recently uploaded a piece of artwork that they created that combines the extremely popular Charizard with arguably the face of Digimon, Greymon. Both are from their original entries in the series and both are beloved as massive dinosaur/dragon-esque creatures. But the art from R. T. Hein combines the two monsters into one, and the result is pretty neat.

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The new monster takes elements from both Charizard and Greymon. It has the brown bone-like skull of Greymon as the face, and the arms and legs that make it resemble T-Rex, just like Greymon. The blue stripes across the body are also pulled directly from the Digimon monster. Meanwhile, the orange coloring is much closer to Charizard, and the creature has massive orange and blue wings, giving it flight like Charizard. In fact, the blue wings with the blue stripes make the new monster look quite stylish. Lastly, the tip of the tail is on fire, a patented look for Charizard.

The post comes with a question and answer as well, as R. T. Hein asks whether “you were a Pokemon kid or a Digimon kid,” and he answers his own question with a simple “yes.” The massive success of the Pokemon series points to the Nintendo property possibly being the winner, whether that be thanks to games like Sword and Shield breaking sales records or simply the fact that Pikachu’s face can be seen on anything from a balloon to a backpack. However, Digimon supporters stand by the entity, and for good reason, as it has been going strong for over twenty years.

Digimon may not be as popular, but the series has done some interesting things, with the upcoming Digimon Survive (which is likely being delayed) looking very intriguing. Competition is a good thing, and if Digimon Survive were to be a big hit, it could help force Pokemon to take more risks with its game development.

Even after this long, fans still like to argue which series is better, Pokemon or DigimonWhile things like popularity and sales success help answer the question, opinions vary, and that is part of the fun in video game debate.

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