Apex Legends Fan Has Great Idea for Blisk, Ash, and More

Apex Legends is a shooter with tons of lore and background for its varied cast. Because the game is also within the Titanfall universe, it has only scratched the surface of its potential narrative opportunities. As the story has started to branch out, thanks to the Quests within Apex Legends, now may be the perfect time to consider one fan’s idea.

An old idea from u/FrozenFoh, an Apex Legends dataminer, resurfaced and has started to go viral on Reddit. The idea would take advantage of Blisk (who some believe will eventually be playable in Apex Legends), and other side-characters in the shared universe. The original Apex Legends opening cinematic had Blisk narrating the video, sharing how the games work. He has taken a backseat for the most part since then, only appearing in the occasional trailer, but he and other characters could find their way into Apex Legends.

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FrozenFoh’s idea is that Apex Legends players could pick factions to join up with. Characters such as Blisk or Marvin would be unlocked with in-game tokens, and then the player would be linked to that faction or sponsor. The sponsor would cheer players on, give them a boost of morale during the game, and more. Additionally, in-game actions like damaging enemies or placing high in matches would add faction points to challenges and unlocks, and badges could be rewarded for taking down enemies in other factions.

Season 7 of Apex Legends is almost here, coming with a new Legend and most likely map changes. However, it would certainly be interesting if Respawn Entertainment changed things up even more by adding a faction system in the game, making good use of characters that are in the expanded world of Apex Legends.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version currently in development.

MORE: Apex Legends Rated for Nintendo Switch


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