Java Weekly, Issue 355

1. Spring and Java

>> Project Panama and jextract []

Explore the secure, efficient, and modern native interaction APIs from Project Panama: foreign-Memory Access API and Foreign Linker API.

>> A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Containerizing (Spring Boot) Java Apps []

Comparing available options to dockerize Spring Boot apps, covering docker multistage builds, JIB, Spring Boot layered JARs, and cloud-native buildpacks!

>> Java and Spring Boot multiline log support for Fluentd (EFK stack) []

The path towards operational visibility: centralized logging in the K8S world using the EFK stack for Java applications.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> An experiment with Little’s Law []

Back to basics: an experimental take on how event arrival rate and response time affect the number of events in the system!

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> 60 years of COBOL – past, present, and future []

COBOL ain’t gonna go anytime soon: a veteran COBOL developer reflects on its dominance, speed, the demand crisis, and what the future holds for COBOL!

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Talk To The Experts []

>> Asok is Overpaid []

>> Building Codes []

5. Pick of the Week

>> Are you present-focused or future-focused? []

The post Java Weekly, Issue 355 first appeared on Baeldung.


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