Some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Players Think Steve’s Victory Pose Looks NSFW

It has been just a day since Minecraft‘s Steve joined the cross-franchise battles of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and the Smash community is just finding their way around the odd character. As the ramifications of the new fighter swirl with players debating Steve’s impact on Smash Ultimate‘s meta, it seems those conversations have stopped for some fans due a strange observation.

With Super Smash Bros. Ultimate‘s sales being so high, it’s created a game that continues to produce memes. This is especially true of new downloadable characters who get the gambit of love and abuse from announcement to even months after launch. Steve has been no exception but fans have taken a particular interest in one of his victory poses, which some feel appears to be a tad bit naughty.

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Steve’s victory pose upon vanquishing the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate combatants features the blocky protagonist of Minecraft providing the same blank stare the character is known for. Once looking a bit lower though, to the right of the loser portraits, players can catch a very crude angle. One of Steve’s four victory poses sees the famous character eating away at some meat, but once done and the freeze frame is grabbed, Steve drops it to an awkward position. The character pose places the meat right down to Steve’s crotch, which provides a very unflattering image. What makes matters worse is that Steve does some additional arm waving with meat in hand.

It did not take long for the internet fanbase to use their dirty minds to make the connection. It quickly spread around as many of these types of Smash memes do, and it likely won’t stop until Nintendo decides to alter the pose in a patch. This decision will likely receive some ire from the fanbase, but Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a family game and with Minecraft‘s immense popularity with kids, maybe having Steve seem a bit too happy isn’t a great image.

As Steve gets most of the attention for the victory pose, he is not the only character to get a extra helping of steak. Since the character has additional skins of Alex, Zombie, and Enderman, all of which feature the exact same gameplay mechanics, they evidently feature the same victory pose. While the others have gotten ridicule for the small animation cycle, Steve has taken center stage.

While fans are finding the fun in the juxtaposition of a seemingly crude victory in Smash Ultimate, it isn’t detracting from the discussions around Steve’s gameplay mechanics. Fans have already discovered that Steve’s table is an amazing defensive option with players using it as a shield. With the character still being freshly released, the next few weeks of experimentation should be interesting for Smash players.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Polygon


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