10 Other Microsoft Characters Who Aren’t Steve Who Need To Be DLC In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

While not the first Microsoft character to make it into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate  – Banjo was added to the roster relatively recently along with several other items and bonuses representing the Xbox roster of characters – the inclusion of Steve and the associated Minecraft goodies represents yet another step in the growing relationship between Nintendo and Microsoft.

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With several more characters coming up in the popular fighting game, here’s hoping at least one of the ten characters listen below makes it in. Some of them are more likely than others, either due to popularity or the adult content of their respective franchise.

10 Conker

Rare’s foul-mouthed character made a name for himself on the Nintendo 64 for appearing cutesy while containing ridiculous toilet humor. The jokes may not hold up – if they were even funny in 2000, – but Conker & his game are legendary, and the character deserves some love on the Smash roster just for his place in the Nintendo 64 legacy. Adding him also would not require reworking all the stages like it did with Steve.

9 Razputin

Psychonauts came out in 2005 and like many Double Fine Productions games, released to little fanfare. However, it slowly accumulated a cult following, enough of one for the developer to start work on a sequel, which is due out in 2021. The studio was bought by Microsoft, and while Psychonauts 2 is set to come out on multiple platforms, Razputin is ultimately a Microsoft character now. His look fits in with the varied designs of the Nintendo characters in the roster.

8 Joanna Dark

Alongside Goldeneye 007Perfect Dark is one of the most celebrated first-person shooters on the Nintendo 64. The prequel for the Xbox 360, Perfect Dark Zero, did not fare as well, but the series is still beloved by fans.

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Maybe the character’s design clashes with the more cutesy aesthetic of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but Joanna Dark would not be the first gun toting humanoid in the game. After all, Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid has been a part of the fight since Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

7 Kameo

Of all the characters on the list, Kameo from Kameo: Elements of Power is probably the least deserving of a place among the roster. Her one game from Rare was an Xbox 360 launch title which came and went without significant ado. Still, the character has a unique design which deserves celebration, regardless of the game’s popularity. Additionally, Elements of Power started development on the Nintendo 64, so it would be funny to see it come back to Nintendo in some form.

6 Dragonborn

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the biggest releases of the decade, and has become somewhat of an endearing punchline for how many times it has been re-released. A version even found its way to Nintendo Switch. With the recent purchase of Bethesda, the main character, dubbed Dragonborn, is now a Microsoft staple. With the game already existing on a Nintendo console, it does not feel too far fetched to see The Elder Scrolls receive representation in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

5 Battletoads

After almost 30 years, Battletoads finally received a sequel. Critical reception was mixed, but all in all it was not a bad return for a series that has been away for so long. With the characters having returned, it would not be such a bad idea to have them take part in Nintendo’s legendary tournament. Rash, Pimple, and Zitz could be interchangeable skins, and their wacky move set would be a unique contribution to the battles.

4 Piñata

Viva Piñata was a surprisingly compelling garden simulator for the Xbox 360. It came out relatively early in the console’s life and was a nice respite from the gritty science fiction shooters for which the console was known, easily carving out a niche.

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Bringing any number of the Piñata animals into Smash would be a stunning tribute to this dormant series. An entry in the series already came out on the Nintendo DS, so it is easy to see a character coming to Super Smash Bros.

3 Marcus Fenix

As successful as Halo was on the original Xbox, Microsoft needed a little bit more to truly establish their next console as a force to be reckoned with. This extra kick came in the form of Gears of War from Epic Games. Microsoft eventually bought the series from the original developer, taking full control of the franchise. If Marcus Fenix were not to make the cut, then Kat Diaz would be just as good a replacement. The character does not matter as long as a version of “Madworld” makes it in somewhere.

2 Doom Slayer

Doom is now a Microsoft property, somewhat appropriate considering how integral Doom was to PC gaming in the mid ’90s. The Doom games are gory, brutal, and filled with carnage, but it would not be the first time an M rated game received representation in Super Smash Bros. Of course, the character could not rip and tear in the same fashion in Smash Bros., but his spirit could still be appropriately represented in the game.

1 Master Chief

The king of all Microsoft characters, Master Chief has been a part of Xbox since the very beginning, with the first game launching alongside the original Xbox in 2001. Since the partnership between Microsoft and Nintendo began, Master Chief has been the most requested Xbox character by fans for the fighting game. It is certainly a long shot, but many characters in Super Smash Bros. were at one point wild dreams fans did not think would ever come true.

Next: 10 Undeniable Ways Super Smash Bros. Changed Fighting Games Forever


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