Final Fantasy 14 Players Are Getting Destroyed By a Chocobo

Final Fantasy 14 continues its immense popularity within the MMO space as more players than ever flock to Eorzea. With Final Fantasy 14‘s recent expanded free trial, older Final Fantasy fans are taking their first steps to experience one of the franchise’s most successful entries. These fans are also learning a harsh lesson about the expectations of classic franchise icons.

Final Fantasy 14 fans are currently in the midst of a ferocious battle with one of Final Fantasy‘s most beloved mascots following the release of the recent patch. While most would expect Final Fantasy icons like Tonberrys, Malboros, or even Cactuars to be the next boss encounter, this new harbinger of death is much more surprising.

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With the recent release of patch 5.35, Final Fantasy  14 players are currently at war with a Chocobo. Specifically, “Red Comet” the fiery Red Chocobo that is ravaging players in its attempt for complete destruction. Nova Crystallis captured footage of the intense raid that stems from Final Fantasy 14‘s return to Ivalice. In the new raid, the designers took inspiration from Final Fantasy Tactics, which was the original game to use the Ivalice setting. As players attempt to aid the Bojzan Resistance, they will face the encounter with Red Comet who will spam Meteors as Final Fantasy Tactics‘ Red Chocobos did in 1997.

Chocobos have a long history with the Final Fantasy series, often serving as a handy means of transportation across game worlds. The golden ostrich-like creature expanded beyond just quick transport, serving numerous roles across games. Depending on which Final Fantasy title players are adventuring through, Chocobos have been used in treasure hunting, racing, gambling, breeding, or even in battle. Between summons, abilities, and active party members in certain titles, it should come as no surprise that there is a Chocobo ready to unleash hell.

Red Chocobos have specifically gained notoriety within the fanbase since the colored variant first appeared in the original Final Fantasy 7. Since then, the lovable fiery bird has made appearances throughout the franchise with Red Comet being based on its most infamous interpretation as a Meteor spamming machine. The power of the Red Chocobo also takes influence from another title set in the world of Ivalice. In Final Fantasy 12, the Red Chocobo is considered one of the hardest and rarest enemies in the game. Much like its original inspiration of the Red Chocobo from Tactics, it spams meteor with heavy damage.

So with Final Fantasy 14 players the world over currently angry at a very overpowered boss encounter, it’s likely that Red Comet won’t make the list of most useful Chocobos in the Final Fantasy franchise. Wherever a player’s memory stands with regards to Red Chocobos, Final Fantasy 14 players will likely still hold the scars from the battle with Red Comet. It’s a fair warning to players to not let that cute visage fool them, as behind those “kwehs” is pure destruction.

Final Fantasy 14 is available now for PC and PS4.

MORE: How Final Fantasy 14’s Success Has Influenced Final Fantasy 16

Source: Nova Crystallis


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