Microsoft’s The Initiative is Building a Dream Team, But for What?

Microsoft may have distracted Xbox fans with the big Bethesda/Zenimax acquisition last month, but there’s still one big mystery from one of the existing Xbox Game Studios. Promising a quadruple-A game experience, The Initiative studio has been working in secret on a new first-party project for Xbox Series X/S since 2018. While the game itself still remains behind several sets of closed doors, Microsoft and Xbox continues to tout the project as a very promising new game for Xbox’s future.

That much is made clear by the amount of talented developers, animators, artists, and more who’ve joined The Initiative team. Xbox’s premier and most mysterious game studio has been hard at work tapping into developer knowledge from a slew of different corners of the games industry. The Initiative‘s upcoming game is being worked on from the same developers responsible for games like God of WarDestiny 2, the Uncharted series, Tomb Raider, and various other big franchises. It’s the closest thing to a “dream team” of video game developers in the modern industry, and yet, there’s still not a whole lot known about The Initiative’s next game.

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Over the last year and a half, Xbox’s The Initiative game studio has been hiring various veteran developers. Several artists and animators from key franchises have joined the team, meaning the scale and scope of the game is certainly living up to the “AAAA” buzzword Microsoft’s been throwing around. Most of the prominent new hires come from a spread of various triple-A game experience, ranging from God of War and Uncharted, to Destiny 2 and Tomb Raider. Other than the good word from Xbox boss Phil Spencer who played the game, this is really the only information available on The Initiative’s upcoming game.

There are a variety of new developers working on the unannounced game for The Initiative, but there does happen to be several commonalities between these new employees. Based on all of the hires made by The Initiative in the last year and a half, it’s clear the game is going to have plenty of action elements. There are level designers from Sony Santa Monica and animators from Naughty Dog on the team, alongside engineers from Bungie and Crystal Dynamics. There’s also narrative design veterans from Destiny and God of War lending their efforts to the game’s story as well.

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The prevailing rumor for The Initative’s game is that it’s a potential Perfect Dark entry, which has been reported on by several media outlets. There’s no hardcore confirmation, but initial reporting on the game from Jeff Grub at VentureBeat seemed to indicate that at first. Grubb later walked back and clarified it wasn’t exactly a Perfect Dark game, but was something akin to the cult classic shooter. We do know now that The Initiative’s game is, at bare minimum, at a playable state of development. There were some rumors that The Initiative’s game would show up at the last Xbox Game Studios event, but those turned out to be false and the game wasn’t debuted.

Other than that, there’s only been rumors and hearsay about what The Initiative is working on. Leaks have illustrated the usual triple-A (or according to Microsoft, quadruple-A) flair, citing photorealistic graphical fidelity and highly detailed animations. Though vague, this information does align with the various animators/developers who’ve been hired, so it’s certainly possible. Problem is, these “details” provided in the leak aren’t exactly specific or contextual, so there’s not really any credibly specific information on the game.

Coincidentally, those details do line up with the various developers hired who have a extensive backgrounds in working on triple-A action/adventure games. It’ll likely be a while before we get a confirmation, announcement, or any more details on what quadruple-A game The Initiative is working on at this point. Obviously The Initiative’s game is setting a high bar of expectations, so Microsoft will likely wait until the E3/Summer news cycle to finally reveal the game that’s been talked about so much.

The Initative’s game is currently in development.

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