Overclocked Zen 3 Ryzen Processor Breaks 6 GHz Barrier

As excited gamers wait to get their hands on the next generation Zen 3 / Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs from AMD, more is being learned about just how capable the new processors can be in expert hands. An unknown overclocker testing out the flagship 16 core Ryzen 9 5950X appears to have taken the CPU to a staggering 6.022 GHz

The benchmark was discovered on Geekbench by Twitter user TUM_APISAK, and while it doesn’t use the name AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, the labeling code is the exact same as the upcoming CPU. With a base clock of 3.5 GHz and boost clocks of up to 4.9 GHz, the 5950X is blazingly fast at standard speeds, let alone with a huge overclock. By comparison, a single core test of the overclocked CPU is 19% faster than a 5.89GHz overclocked Zen 2 powered Ryzen 9 3900X, and 43.3% faster than a standard Intel i9-10900K

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The individual who carried out this test is unknown, but is likely to be an extreme overclocker at AMD, or even Apple, as the test was run on macOS. The tester will have almost certainly been using high-level water or possibly liquid nitrogen cooling to reach such extreme speeds, so gamers should not expect to get these kinds of results at home. However it does give a positive impression of the potential that the already fast CPU has for gamers with the equipment and patience to tweak overclocking settings.

The four CPUs announced by AMD at its Zen 3 / Ryzen 5000 Series reveal already show a 19% leap in performance per clock cycle, according to AMDs own data, along with 200 MHz faster boost clock speeds than the Zen 2 / Ryzen 3000 Series equivalents. These combine to take the Ryzen 9 5900X past the current gaming champion, the i9-10900K, in both single core and multi threaded performance. Meaning that even with the slight price increases, the Zen 3 / Ryzen 5000 Series offers great performance per dollar across the range, as well as being far more efficient in terms of energy usage.

With AMD already dominating the CPU market with Ryzen 3000 Series, the performance improvements of Ryzen 5000 Series should make Intel very concerned about its place in the CPU market, even more so if AMDs new CPUs are equipped with strong overclocking potential. Of course, Intel is not standing pat, and is getting ready its next generation Rocket Lake CPUs for early 2021, but after the extremely well-received Ryzen 5000 reveal, it will need something pretty special to start regaining ground on AMD. There is also the potential for AMD to drop prices next year once Rocket Lake launches.

More benchmarks and reviews for the new Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs, including how it performs in gaming, are expected to appear soon, as the launch date gets nearer.

AMD Zen 3 / Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs will launch on November 5.

MORE: What Does AMD’s Zen 3 Reveal Mean for Gamers?

Source: Videocardz


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