The Witcher 3: 10 Yennefer Memes That Prove The Game Makes No Sense

The Witcher 3 isn’t only about the Wild Hunt going after Ciri and Geralt trying to protect her. It also focuses on more characters than just Geralt and opens up plenty of storylines of secondary heroes. One of the most significant heroes in the game is the sorceress Yennefer who also spends a significant portion of the story looking after her adoptive daughter.

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Yennefer’s magical powers come in handy more often than not. She has considerable skills and she uses them to defend Kaer Morhen during the attack of the Wild Hunt, for example. However, despite all the great things Yennefer does, some memes aren’t afraid to point out things related to the beautiful sorceress that don’t quite make sense in The Witcher 3.

10 Portals Win Over Yennefer

There are only a few things Geralt truly hates and portals are one of them. Yet despite the fact, his most common love interests are sorceresses who like to travel – you guessed it – by using portals. Geralt, on the other hand, would rather spend a week riding his horse than to use a portal. Perhaps Yennefer would argue much less with her boyfriend if she wasn’t with someone who hates her preferred way of travel so much?

9 Twisted Priorities

Yennefer cares deeply about Ciri, there’s no denying that. But she still should have set her priorities straight and not waste time doing things unrelated to the search. Especially since she knows that the deadly Wild Hunt is after Ciri. Yet Yennefer finds the time to spend some off time with Geralt on top of her stuffed unicorn. And while it’s a lovely scene for the fans of the couple, it does sidetrack from the main quest a little.

8 Yennefer Rules

This meme doesn’t even need to have Yennefer in it to prove a point. Yennefer is Geralt’s greatest love in the books. But it’s difficult to deny she treats him rather horribly. She even cheats on him with the sorcerer Istredd – repeatedly – while they’re still together. Yet when Geralt gets a brief letter from her, he immediately drops everything and chases after Yennefer as a man possessed.

7 Geralt’s Heart Breaks In Half

Speaking of Yennefer and her… indiscretions, let’s say, this meme suggests that she gets her fair share of visitors in her private rooms. If the key to her room is indeed a common item, that begs the question – how many people exactly have it?

RELATED: Witcher 3: 10 Hilarious Memes About Geralt Hating Portals

It doesn’t make that much sense since Yennefer is a rather private person. Certainly not the type who would give the key to her room to everybody she talks to.

6 An Unusual Gift

The Witcher 3 offers several potential romances – but only two are truly significant, and the player can’t have both. One is between Geralt and Yennefer which fits the books where Geralt only truly has eyes for her. The other one is between Geralt and Triss – and this is where the game stops making sense. It does a good enough job of portraying the relationship between Geralt and Yennefer, but Geralt and Triss never had more than just a brief fling in the books.

5 Always Kissing

Here’s another meme that features both Yennefer and Triss and shows a nonsensical aspect of the game. As said above, the player can choose between Yennefer and Triss as Geralt’s main romantic interest. But despite who they choose, Yennefer will still kiss Geralt once they reunited at Kaer Morhen and he brings Ciri with him. Yennefer does it even though she knows Triss is nearby and can watch this. This is kind of a crude power move from Yennefer, especially since she was jealous of Triss and even destroyed the bed she and Geralt used.

4 Not A Good Choice

Another meme points out that the relationship between Geralt and Yennefer is sometimes less than functional. But Geralt still drops everything and he rushes in to help Yennefer.

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Yennefer once again gets sidetracked when she goes djinn hunting in Skellige instead of searching for Ciri… especially once it becomes obvious that Ciri is no longer in Skellige and might even be cursed into Uma!

3 Friends Don’t Approve

The Witcher 3 sometimes has the tendency to push Yennefer as the best romantic interest Geralt can have. For one, it gives her much more space than Triss, at least when it comes to romantic interactions. Yet the game also contradicts itself because it keeps mentioning that Geralt’s friends aren’t that fond of Yennefer. Yes, they respect her – but do they truly like her? At times, it seems like they prefer Triss and consider Yennefer too abrasive and arrogant. Of course, Geralt ignores it and does his own thing in the end anyway.

2 What’s In Her Heart?

For someone as confident and demanding as Yennefer, she can be surprisingly insecure when it comes to her relationship with Geralt. Even after Geralt searches for her and drops everything to find her, she still makes some biting remarks about his previous romance with Triss. You know, the romance that happened while Geralt had amnesia. Yennefer is old enough to be able to be the better person but in this case, she isn’t.

1 A Real Family

Finally, let’s end this article with a more positive meme. After all, despite her less pleasant character traits, Yennefer is still awesome in many ways. One of her redeeming qualities is her love for Ciri whom she sees as her own daughter. Despite the fact – or maybe because of it – that she can’t have children. Yennefer raises Ciri alongside Geralt which leads to some pretty funny moments – like the one seen in the meme. But it still begs the question – if they’re so close, why don’t they get together once the main game ends and the DLCs start? After all, Yennefer can easily open portals and Ciri can teleport anywhere so they could meet in order of just a few seconds.

NEXT: The Witcher: 5 Bosses Yennefer Could Beat In A Fight (& 5 She Couldn’t)

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