10 Games That Didn’t Deserve A Sequel But Got One Anyway

Some games get sequels every year and they are deserved. They offer amazing gameplay or have deep stories that need a second or third game to fully explain. These games fill our hearts with joy and keep fans coming back for more year after year. Some games deserve sequels that sadly never come.

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And some games make us wonder how they were ever green lit in the first place. We don’t know why these games get sequels. Maybe the companies are desperate to breathe life into a failing franchise. Whatever the reason, they weren’t deserved.

10 Knack

Knack was a decent game for children, but not a game that deserved a sequel. It had boring gameplay that didn’t keep players interested in the title long enough to replay it. Many fans were open about the distaste they had about the sequel that was announced.

Maybe the studio should have listened to fans, but unfortunately, they didn’t and the sequel was released anyway. Knack 2 received decent scores and was better than anticipated, but it still offered the same type of gameplay that the first one did.

9 Naughty Bear

Released back in 2010, Naughty Bear was an interesting game, to say the least. It featured a bear who didn’t get invited to a birthday party. So what did he do? It went on a killing spree. The whole premise of the game is fine, but the execution was terrible.

The gameplay wasn’t extremely excited and many fans ended up getting bored with it. It was a surprise when a sequel was announced, but it offered the same type of gameplay and boring story.

8 Two Worlds

Two Worlds was a game that tried to capitalize on the success of open-world RPGs during its time. Fans, unfortunately, did not agree with the game and felt that it was rather boring. The world itself was repetitive and lacked anything interesting to keep players motivated throughout the game.

In 2010 it got a sequel that nobody wanted and it was met with some rather disastrous effects. Maybe some companies should just let things fade away.

7 Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5 took a major turn from the rest of the franchise. Resident Evil 6 did the same thing. Instead of being focused on the horror element, these two games focused on action-adventure and less on map discovery.

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The company had a chance to return the franchise to its roots when it created Resident Evil 6, but it ultimately failed and now those two games are considered to be the worst of the Resident Evil franchise. At least they made a great improvement when they released Resident Evil 7.

6 Watch Dogs

The original Watch Dogs game was highly anticipated. Ubisoft showed off amazing gameplay and graphics that fans just couldn’t wait for. That’s why it was disappointing when the game released. It looked nothing like how Ubisoft portrayed.

Fans did not agree that the game deserved a sequel, but Ubisoft gave it one anyone. Luckily for them, the sequel turned out good and another one is set to release this year.

5 Star Wars: Battlefront

To be clear, we aren’t talking about the original Battlefront series. That will forever be treasured by fans. We are instead talking about the reboot that happened in 2015. Fans did not accept the reboot as well as EA hoped they would. It was a big change from its roots and focused more on being a part of iconic battles. Some fans loved it, but it got a huge mix of bad reviews.

It wasn’t a surprise that EA decided to make a sequel, but fans weren’t extremely excited about it. The sequel released and was surprisingly good compared to the original reboot. It did undergo many changes before fans actually accepted it though.

4 Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2

Black Ops 2 had tons of players (like any Call of Duty game) but it lacked an interesting story. The story followed the first one but took place further into the future. It was interesting enough to keep fans going and the multiplayer has been heralded as one of the best in the franchise.

It’s a shame they kept it going because the third Black Ops game was met with hatred from many fans thanks to its focus on wall running and special abilities. Fans missed the age of boots on the ground combat that the franchise originated with.

3 Bubsy

We don’t think anyone thinks a Bubsy game is good. The original game in the franchise didn’t offer anything that its competitors didn’t. All Bubsy offered was an attitude that didn’t quit. Players have mentioned how the controls of the game were terrible and the level design was poor at best.

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It’s a surprise that the game ever got a sequel, but it got on in 1994. The second game did better, but it still didn’t make sense to have a sequel for a game that was received so poorly.

2 Crackdown 2

Crackdown 2 was a pretty decent game, but it didn’t deserve to get a sequel. Arguably, the first one didn’t deserve to get a sequel either. Crackdown is one of those games that mimic the gameplay of Grand Theft Auto but lacks the exciting gameplay and focuses more on collecting everything in sight.

The game featured orbs to collect to increase your stats. This mechanic was mainly viewed as repetitive and boring by the community. Crackdown 3 didn’t fare much better and has since been criticized heavily.

1 Red Steel

Red Steel was criticized heavily by fans for its lack of control. The controls have been said to be completely broken which doesn’t help any game. The graphics were pretty bad well with many characters having a cutout effect on them. Almost every character had a white background to them that IGN said made them look like cardboard cutouts.

There is no way that this game deserved a sequel with its poor gameplay and cliche story, but it got one in 2010.

NEXT: 5 Best Video Game Sequels Of All Time (& 5 Worst Ones)


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