10 Pro Tips For Age Of Empires 3 That You Need To Know

In October of 2020, Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition made its way onto PC platforms across the world. Many new players will be trying out this grand strategy RTS for the first time and finding satisfying rewards from this challenging experience. There will be one gigantic snag, though, that will likely keep new players from being able to appreciate the game even a little bit.

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The issue is that people have been playing this game since 2005 and slowly learning from each patch, each expansion, and each update. Rookies don’t have the luxury of learning the layers of the game slowly. Instead, they will be smacked in the face immediately by veterans who have been practicing for over a decade. Not to worry; this list contains the knowledge, tips, and tricks that pro players have been using to get to where they are. Equal footing with these gaming giants is just a few paragraphs away.

10 Don’t Play Favorites

The biggest mistake amateur players make occurs before the game begins, often before the game is even purchased. Somebody will say, “I love the idea of ripping people apart with the Redcoats, so I’m going to show off my skills with the British!”

The British aren’t a bad choice necessarily, but they require a very specific playstyle, one that might not sync up with the player. All players, regardless of skill level, should read through the list of empires with their specialties listed, cover up the names of the empires, and blindly choose the one that best matches their style.

9 Bustling Town Center

If grand strategy games have taught the gaming world anything, it’s that leading a country is no simple task. Between commanding an expanding number of civilians and micromanaging military units in the middle of combat, there’s a specific shoe that tends to drop back at home.

The Town Center needs to be constantly producing settlers. Sure, that early fight seems very important. But remember that harvesting is a cumulative activity. Even just one extra settler in the Discovery Age, steadily working, will easily produce an extra fleet of ships by the time the Imperial Age rolls around.

8 Scout Everything

There is one common question that an expert player will ask a new player that they observe. After a few minutes in, they will inquire, “Hey, why is your map so dark?” Pro players make it a priority to uncover the map as quickly as possible.

Combat in Age of Empires 3 is a big meta game of rock-paper-scissors (more on this later). Players can use tools that make them the very best French empire they can be, but even the best players, if they don’t know what units the opponent is making, are doomed to guessing what units to make. Scout everything and become ready to counter what other nations are making.

7 Constantly Shipping

Every starting location has advantages and disadvantages in terms of resources. There are thick forests, plains with animals, and hills with ore. And of course, dumb luck plays a role in exactly how resources land on every new map.

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Between the luck and the location, every empire will have too much of one resource and not enough of another. Instead of going bonkers looking for those missing resources and taking unnecessary risks, pro players will steadily send shipments to satisfy their needs.

6 Physical List Of Counters

Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition has several important upgrades, but don’t knock a good old fashioned pen and piece of paper. There’s access to mods (which are highly recommended) that add some data to the user interface, but, even in this military game, the pen is still mightier than the sword.

Imagine a game of rock-paper-scissors with three hundred choices instead of three. Even pro players keep lists of counters next to their computers and when they see an enemy building some dangerous units, they look at their notes and start training up the appropriate soldiers.

5 Copy And Tweak Decks

So much emphasis is placed on the real-time strategy that it’s easy to forget that this is actually a deck builder game well before it is a grand strategy game. First-timers are easily overwhelmed by the options and gravitate towards the big, shiny cards with large numbers.

There’s no beginner guide to building this deck like in Magic: The Gathering, but there is the ability to use the internet for some research. Start by copying a pro deck. Don’t worry, this isn’t permanent, make adjustments to suit the right style after a few rounds of practice.

4 Watch And Learn

The role of streamers is often misinterpreted as to be unilaterally entertaining. Even people’s favorite Twitch streamers are not purely there for fun, they also do a great deal of work bringing information to people who play the games they do.

Watch some games. Find a pro that uses the civilization of choice and settle in for a few hours. Even just watching one or two replays will help immensely. Specifically, look for ones where the players voice their thought processes aloud in order to adopt, not just their skill set, but their mindset.

3 Be Opportunistic

Pro players never, ever lock into a specific build order. Yes, they do have a build order, but they are ready to change it at a moment’s notice. No two games of Age of Empires 3 are the same and so what must be done to win will also have to change.

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When seeing a player finishing off some bears that were guarding a treasure, take two settlers and steal it from them! It’s OK to plan for war later, but if a nearby enemy has a wide-open defense, switch it up and gear up for battle right now. Be as dynamic as the circumstances of the game.

2 Play The Nemesis

Video games are filled with iconic villains. Powerhouses that are hard to take down, brilliant criminals with nearly unlimited resources at their fingertips. Some games even let the player step into their shoes.

Age of Empires 3 is sneakily one of those kinds of games. Every empire has another empire that will seemingly defeat them over and over again. Don’t let this brick wall stand. Play a few rounds as this nemesis empire and notice their flaws and the ways they can be exploited.

1 Build Walls

Walls are the single most underrated structure in the game. At lower tiers, almost no one builds them and they stick to playing offense full-time. At higher tiers, walls are a part of every single city. So why the difference in perspectives?

Walls are indeed a bit pricey and they offer little to no destructive power against attackers. But the pro move is to place them selectively over weaker areas and construct them to last just long enough for deployed armies to return home. Buying time during these surprise attacks and protecting villagers is the difference between a late victory screen and an early defeat screen.

NEXT: 10 Ways Grand Strategy Games Change Your View Of World Leaders


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