Cyberpunk 2077’s Attention to Detail is Insane | Game Rant

Cyberpunk 2077 is just around the corner, and the hype for the upcoming game is only getting bigger, especially after the game suffered multiple delays that have since pushed its launch date to November. However, despite the multiple postponements of Cyberpunk 2077’s release, fans have received a semi-consistent dripfeed about content coming to CD Projekt Red’s upcoming RPG outing.

Throughout all the gameplay trailers that CD Projekt Red has released, one thing that players will notice is the insane amount of details that make Cyberpunk 2077 a game worth waiting for. Of course, given CD Projekt Red’s reputation for its top-quality games, the vast open-world environment that the studio has been teasing ever since the game’s release is not at all surprising. Now, for those who may have missed some of these, here are some amazing details that players should expect to see in Cyberpunk 2077.

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One of the most showcased feature of Cyberpunk 2077 is Night City, which has been the setting of Cyberpunk ever since its days as a tabletop RPG, and will be the primary location of the game. Although the developer describes Night City as “the worst place to live in America,” the city is filled with a futuristic design aesthetic that is expected to wow players once the game releases in November. It is important to note that Night City is divided into different districts where the center serves as the hubs of megacorporations but is surrounded by the less-desirable ‘Combat-Zone’ filled with violence and poverty.

Interestingly enough, Night City has suffered numerous chaotic events in the last few decades, which includes the takeover of violent gangs, forcing the US government to abandon it. Night City also suffered a terrible nuclear war in the not-so-distant past, and it’s just gotten back to its feet in 2077. Given its history, players should expect a metropolis that is in the process of starting over, and whether or not it will remain stable is still a mystery. Moreover, Night City features a vast open-world map and players can find many activities to do in the upcoming game, and some of them are definitely NSFW.

Another interesting detail that players will observe in Cyberpunk 2077 is the futuristic fashion. In Night City, style is everything, and players can wear anything they want that best represents who they are or who they want to be. Of course, given the hierarchical society in Cyberpunk 2077, not all can afford the best fashion, and having more money means being able to rock out the best style the game has to offer.

In a recent gameplay footage for Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red featured the 2077 fashion of the game. In the video, the developers featured the four fashions of Cyberpunk 2077 such as Kitsch, Entropism, Neomilitarism, and Neo-Kitsch. To those unaware, Kitsch is based prioritizes style over function while Entropism is the complete opposite where function is the main priority instead of pure aesthetic. On the other hand, Neomilitarism is concerned with substance over style, which means that people who follow this fashion trend likes their clothes classy and subdued. Of course, Neo-Kitsch is the complete opposite of this and is basically a classier version of Kitsch that is reserved for celebrities and the ultra-wealthy.

One of the most talked about feature in Cyberpunk 2077 is the outrageous amount of customization options that is available in the character creation system of the game. Of course, most RPG players would know how long it takes to recreate the perfect character, whether as a representation of the player, or whoever they want to be in the game. Luckily for players, Cyberpunk 2077 allows for both options given that the game provides an almost unlimited amount of options for players to choose from. When designing the main protagonist V, players are no longer limited between Male and Female preset options, given that CD Projekt Red included a genderless body type that can be customized to suit the preferences of the player.

Moreover, Cyberpunk 2077 takes customization to a whole new level that has never been done before by allowing players to customize their character’s genitals, which is probably one of the main reasons why the game has been rated M for Mature by the ESRB. Apart from that, players can also choose their character’s lifepath, which will play an important role in the game’s story and dictates the opening prologue and other key events in the game. The lifepaths available in the game are Nomad, Street Kid, and Corporate, and although they serve as some sort of an origin story for the character, certain lifepaths are not entirely constrained to certain playstyles.

Cyberpunk 2077 releases November 18, 2020, for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One. Xbox Series X and PS5 versions are slated for 2021.

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