10 Reasons Why “Insurrection” Is The Best Questline In World Of WarCraft

Protected by a magical, protective dome, the city of Suramar endures long after the sundering. It’s the same city Maiev Shadowsong came across during the Third War that she called Suramar, though she only saw ruins. Unknown to her at the time, a relic of the past survived the great sundering, albeit at a great cost.

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Within the Broken Isles lies a region known as Suramar, one small piece of the once great empire of Zin-Azshari. And thanks to an urgent message sent to Dalaran, the denizens of Azeroth now know the city may not be so lost afterall. In World of WarCraft: Legion, the Insurrection questline introduces players to elves known as the Nightborne, a darker-skinned subrace altered over time by the effects of the Nightwell. The player begins an epic storyline that takes place over the course of nine weeks in real time. They must lead a rebellion and take back the city from the Legion in a brilliantly realized questline that may just be the best Blizzard’s done.

10 Get More Out Of The Zone

Instead of the usual, grindy, kill 20 bandits type of quest that holds no relevance, and what MMO players are used to, Blizzard attempts something different in Suramar. While other zones and their quests in the Broken Isles remain the same, quest progression in Suramar directly relates to reputation gained with the Nightfallen faction. Even though reputation is no longer required in Battle for Azeroth and beyond, it still makes for a great adventure.

With Nightborne Thalyssra’s help, players set up a basecamp in old leyline ruins for Nightborne outcasts, unlocking dailies. As the player completes these daily quests and their reputation rises, they unlock new questlines further advancing the story. This gives players weeks to familiarize themselves with the zone, its peoples, and its history, long before actually finishing it. The farther the player progresses in reputation and story, the more of the region they see, until eventually going into the city itself.

9 Watch Characters Grow And Develop

Along the way, as players grow their elven rebellion, they meet new and interesting characters. Thalyssra is the first, looking like a nearly-undead elf. She’s in a withered state due to her distance from the Nightwell, along with many of the other characters players meet in the zone.

Arcanist Valtrois, Valewalker Farodin, Silgryn, Cheif Telemancer Oculeth, and more await players throughout the story. Many of these characters begin rather distrustful of the outsiders as they’ve not seen other races in 10,000 years. As players progress through the story, so too do these characters change, both physically and mentally. Players bond with them, further encouraging them to lead the rebellion and take back Suramar from the Legion’s influence.

8 A Visual Progress Bar

The core of the Insurrection story is the Arcan’dor. Created by ancient elves and combined with both nature and arcane magics, the Arcan’dor stands as a symbol of hope for the rebellion. With Valewalker Farondin’s help, players find one of the last remaining Arcan’dor seeds and nourish it within the rebellion basecamp, Shal’aran.

As players advance the Insurrection storyline, the tree grows, acting as a sort of visual progression bar. It starts as a newly activated seed hovering above the leyline center, then grows into a sproutling, a small tree, and eventually a fully-realized Arcan’dor.

7 Experience Shal’Aran Grow and Evolve

One of the greatest aspects of Insurrection is the recurring feeling of evolution and progression. Such traits appear again in the rebellion basecamp.

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When the player and Thalyssra first find Shal’aran, it’s no more than an empty, ancient ruin. As the story progresses and the player saves more of the Nightborne people, families appear within the sanctum. Volunteers clean up the ruins and bring supplies from the city. Over time, as more elves join the rebellion, the ruins become a thriving base of operations.

6 Slowly Move Into The City

Players spend the first portions of Insurrection outside the city, only getting glimpses of the horrors within. Citizens find themselves banished from the city if they dare speak ill of Queen Elisande and her deal with the Legion. Those who begin withering are also banished as the wealthy see them as monsters polluting the city. It’s an ironic twist considering demons patrol the streets.

Once the rebellion has enough resources and intel, the player goes on missions into the city. They don’t go too far at first as they deal with Lady Ly’leth Lunastre and her political games with the aristocracy on the outer rim of Suramar. As the leader of the rebellion, players find themselves in the game as well, sneaking into parties and gaining further insight on the Legion’s influence in the city.

5 Assault The City As A Major Event

The Insurrection story builds to a head as the rebellion calls on aid from the Horde and Alliance to take back Suramar. Forces gather outside the city, primarily made up of elves led by Tyrande Whisperwind, Lady Liadrin, Lor’themar Theron, and Vereesa Windrunner. Most elves alive today remember Suramar in its glory days, and some were even citizens of it. They all have a personal stake in this battle, albeit begrudgingly by some.

The assault plays out as a solo scenario as forces move through the central bridges of the city toward The Nighthold. Removing Elisande from power is their end goal, along with pushing Legion invaders out of the city.

4 Explore The Largest City In The Game

Suramar City stands as one of the most magnificent areas in World of WarCraft. In fact, it’s the largest city seen thus far with multiple tiers, districts, markets, parks, and more to explore.

Once players unlock world quests inside the city, they have free reign to journey through it as they please with the Nightborne disguise. It’s filled with Nightborne citizens as well as dangerous foes who see through the disguise. Players can even take boat tours through the city’s canals, getting a relaxing adventure unlike any other in the game. With the help of a grappling hook, they can also climb buildings Assassin’s Creed style, accessing high terraces and exploring secret areas.

3 Earn A Mount Upon Completion

Once players complete the primary objectives of Insurrection, they earn a beautiful mana saber mount. The Arcanist’s Manasaber is the same used by Suramarian guards. It’s an armored mana saber with a large, velvet seat and glowing, metallic beams similar to those seen on Nightborne Heritage Armor.

Not only is it a visually stunning mount, but it can also fly. Take to the skies as the manasaber sprouts glowing, arcane wings and soars over the city. It’s a mount well worth the effort and adventure within the Insurrection questline.

2 A Major Payoff

With the rebellion at its peak and the city under control, the final goal remains. Players join raid groups and venture into The Nighthold, Elisande’s palace and the Legion’s seat of power within the city. Some of the most powerful magisters in the city reside here and are devout followers of the Grand Magistrix.

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Being what could be the world’s most powerful time mage, Queen Elisande sees every outcome of the Legion’s invasion. She truly believes allying herself and her people with the demons is the only way to survive, even after the events of the great sundering. Gul’dan also resides within the tower, ready to use the Nightwell’s unimaginable power to grant an incredible boon upon the Legion.

1 A True Sense Of Accomplishment And World Impact

Among the story, exploration, and characters involved, Insurrection leaves a lasting impact, making permanent changes in the world. Characters recognize you for your part in the rebellion and portions of Suramar change forever. After completing the assault scenario, the main path through the city is guarded by Horde and Alliance forces, including the central dock area, now faction-controlled.

With Elisande’s hold on the city at an end, the Nightborne look to the Horde and Alliance for new leadership. Elven faction leaders make their opinions known and some simply can’t forgive them for the sins of the past. With the player’s help, the Nighborne carve a new path for themselves in Azeroth’s history and for the first time in 10,000 years, journey beyond the borders of Suramar.

NEXT: 10 World Of WarCraft Characters With Tragic Backstories


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