Final Fantasy XIV: 10 Tips For Leveling Gathering Classes

The MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a ton for players to do, from combat, dungeons, the story, crafting, and gathering. Gathering is one of the class types with the least amount of classes. Players can be fishermen, miners, and/or botanists and work to collect resources for crafters to use.

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For those looking to level up their gatherers, they have a long journey ahead of them. However, there are pieces of advice they can use to avoid a lot of grind burnout. Luckily, the game has plenty of ways to level up these classes while simultaneously completing quests or making a lot of gil. There are also various ways to give your character an experience boost.

10 Focus On Collectables

Unfortunately, this isn’t unlockable until the player gets to Heavensward content. So you would still need to reach level 50 in gathering. At Foundation, just talk to Morgayne to unlock collectables. When it is unlocked, the player can turn in collectables both for experience as well as certain scripts. Scripts are the cherry-on-top, which players can use to buy gear and/or buff items. The most important thing they can buy though is master books. Depending on what class you are, there are different guides on how to best utilize collectables.

9 Do Special Delivery

Players can turn specific collectibles every week scripts and experience. This can mix up routine a little and often comes with a feel-good storyline. The first time you can do this is in Heavensward content, in Idyllshire with Zhloe.

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8 Get Experience Scrolls

Get Company-Issue-Survival-Manuals! Once you read them, you get a 150 percent boost to your experience points for a while. It is important to note that these are most useful before one’s gathering level hits level 40. At level 40, the boost is halved.

To get these, players need to be at Private First Class rank in their Grand Company. Then they can buy these scrolls for 1,440 company seals. Be aware that they are unsellable and marker prohibited.

7 Do Beast Tribe Quests

Not all Beast Tribes are gatherer class friendly. Most of them are targeted to combat or crafting classes. However, that is all the more reason to take advantage of the Beast Tribes that do give gatherer experience.

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These Beast Tribes include the Namazu from Stormblood, certain Ixal quests from A Realm Reborn, and the Qitari from Shadowbringers. The experience gained from the quests these Beast Tribes give are great boosts and the quests have daily resets.

6 Get Involved In Ishgard’s Diadem

Crafting classes became way more popular once Ishgard started to rebuild with unique rewards available and tons of experience to gain. Eventually, the gatherers got their moment to shine too. Unfortunately, it doesn’t reward as much experience as the crafting rewards, but it is better than nothing and a way to shake up the grind. This is mostly for players who are leveling up crafters at the same time as their gatherers (which is recommended). That way, what you gather can be used for what you craft for Ishgard.

5 Do LeveQuests

LeveQuests are quests that can be done as gatherers or crafters. After all, story content has a ton of quests that make leveling a combat class easy. With that in mind, crafters and gatherers needed an edge for quests.

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Luckily, LeveQuests are available very early on in A Realm Reborn. Those beginner players who are too low a level to do collectables, Beast Tribes, or special deliveries should definitely take advantage of LeveQuests as a way to quickly work their way up to higher levels.

4 Check Marketboard For What Sells Best

A tiring aspect of gathering is the fact that you can get a ton of materials and it sells for very little on the Market Board, if it is even sellable. Make sure to check the Market Board for materials that are closest to your level of gathering and aim to gather materials that sell for the most while easy to access.

When gathering, look at the description of materials to check if they are sell-able. It is a real bummer if you collect 200 ores that turn out to be unsellable because they are collectables that you don’t need.

3 Grind When Waiting In Queue

This is especially good advice for those players who are DPS mains. DPS players tend to have longer waits in the queue. Grinding gathering classes is an easy thing to do while waiting to get into a raid or one of the games’ most pretty dungeons. Just go to a zone that has levels comparable to your gatherer and collect whatever can be found.

After all, you don’t want to work on quests while in queue because it might pop up during a cutscene and you have to either wait & miss the dungeon or skip the cutscene. That is no fun.

2 Use Food And Rest Experience Bonuses

Never doubt the power of food in Final Fantasy XIV. Some players don’t touch food, but those who want to gain experience fast stuff their characters’ faces with pies, bread, meat, and whatever else they can find. Food typically gives a three percent bonus to experience gained. That is very little compared to experience scrolls, but food is also far easier to obtain. If you are part of a Free Company, there are actions certain members of that company can do that can also give everyone experience boosts.

1 Find Something To Watch Or Listen To

Last but not least, find a Podcast, movie, or TV show if you are grinding a gathering class. If you are one of those players with two computer screens, then that should be easy. If you play on a console, boot something up on a phone or laptop. Gathering doesn’t have the most riveting gameplay, but that means it is easy to multitask!

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