Nintendo Announces Permanent Price Cut for Switch Joy-Con Controllers

With the release of the next console generation right around the corner, it’s almost hard to believe that the Nintendo Switch has been out for close to four years. In that time, a number of different controller options, console iterations, and games have released for the Nintendo Switch. However, today Nintendo decided to permanently reduce the price of the console’s most accessible controllers.

The Joy-Con controllers are the ones that most people closely associate with the Nintendo Switch. Their overall design, aesthetic, and portability have become iconic as the years have gone on, though they’ve also had their fair share of technical issues. Now, over three years later, Nintendo has finally reduced the price of the Joy-Con controllers.

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Earlier today, Nintendo announced that all singular Joy-Cons will cost $39.99, a full $10 less than the previous price. This price reduction will go into effect on November 9th, 2020. Some might potentially see this price mark down as the result of the cavalcade of lawsuits Nintendo has faced over Joy-Con controller drift, but this is not so.

Nintendo actually announced a similar Joy-Con price reduction in Japan over a week ago. While the price reduction was not announced worldwide, many surmised that because the price of the Joy-Cons had been lowered in Japan, it only made sense that the price would be reduced in other parts of the world as well. It’s nice that consumers will now be able to get new Joy-Cons for a slightly more reasonable price.

Even with a price cut, the amount of irritation that some fans possess regarding Joy-Con controller drift is difficult to ignore. The aforementioned lawsuits that Nintendo has faced over this issue have been staggering, especially within the last year or so. In fact, a 10 year old boy and his mother recently sued Nintendo over the very same issue regarding controller drift, so for some, this may be interpreted less as a nice gesture and more of a way to save face.

Although, regardless of issues involving controller drift, it is nice to know that these controllers won’t cost as much to own comparatively now. Not to mention, despite issues with controller drift, the Nintendo Switch is still a very successful console financially-wise, recently beating out the hardware sales record set by the Wii in 2008. With an impressive roster of titles and numerous successful ports of third party titles, there’s still a lot to experience on Nintendo Switch and hopefully, this price cut will make that all the more easier.

The Nintendo Switch is available now.

MORE: Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons Cost More To Make Than The Retail Price


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