Call of Duty: Warzone Twitch Streamer Shamed By Viewers For Using Hacks

Saying that Call of Duty: Warzone has a cheating problem would be an understatement, as the game has proven to be a haven for hackers and glitchers over recent months. Despite Activision and Infinity Ward doing all they can to stop the cheaters, thousands of players and streamers like festation have continued to use hacks within Warzone.

Warzone recently saw an upsurge in hackers ahead of the Haunting of Verdansk update, an issue that has made the experience of players trying to enjoy the game normally a nightmare. While Leatherface and Jigsaw are certainly scary, currently there is no bigger horror for Warzone fans than facing off with an aimbotter. Festation, a Warzone Twitch streamer, is one of many players who rely on the hacks to find success.

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Festation, like other cheating Warzone streamers, used the hacks in front of a live audience. The Twitch chat was quick to flame the player, with one Twitter user named Kayla even replying to a random TimTheTatman tweet in hopes that more CoD fans would see the cheater and help get him banned. Despite all the cheating, however, an airstrike eventually killed the streamer and led to even more hostility from his chat room.

Activision is banning players that use EngineOwning cheats, and the company has even sued a popular hacking website, but sadly the problem remains prevalent in all versions of Warzone due to crossplay being unlocked for PC. With the issue being so common, it is nice to see cheaters fail and get overwhelmed by the chat’s negativity, something that clearly happened to festation. Frustrated by the overwhelming hate in chat and on social media, festation attempted to move on from Call of Duty: Warzone.

The shamed Warzone cheater, arguing with chat, claimed they were amazing at Black Ops 4 and could beat anyone in a 1v1. Not only did chat find this unlikely given the need for hacks in another CoD, but when festation attempted to delete the clips of the cheating, players were quick to record them and spread the gameplay across the internet. With clips and screenshots all around the internet, the supposedly skilled Black Ops 4 player became known everywhere as another cheating Warzone streamer. Beyond that, his Twitch channel was suspended for the use of the hacks.

While few stories regarding Warzone cheaters have a happy ending, it is nice to see players take down festation and expose the cheating to the world. With one less hacker to deal with in Verdansk, enjoying Warzone’s Zombie Royale mode and other Halloween content should be just a little bit easier.

Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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