10 Games That Didn’t Deserve A Reboot But Got One Anyway

Games are amazing. They introduce us to new worlds full of wonder, magic, and horror. They help us feel and immerse us in places that are unimaginable. There are games that have been so amazing that they have gone on to spawn sequel after sequel, and they deserve it.

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Some have gotten rebooted and offered something amazing. Tomb Raider was one of them. The original series was loved and the reboot made it that much better. Some aren’t so lucky, and the reboot ends up ruining the game, or even worse, the game didn’t do well enough to deserve the reboot.

10 Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando originally found itself ported onto the NES. It was a fairly good game that people enjoyed. It featured a soldier with a robotic arm that players could use to swing around the two-dimensional maps.

This platformer wasn’t extremely popular and ended up fading out, but ended up getting a reboot in 2009. This reboot was released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, but it didn’t fare extremely well. It had repetitive gameplay that players found to be boring and some of the worst plot twists some players had ever seen.

9 Guitar Hero

Many gamers remember Guitar Hero. It was released back in 2005 and fans loved it, but that isn’t the reason it didn’t deserve a reboot. What makes it unworthy is the constant spamming of sequels that occurred after its release. Guitar Hero had 13 sequels that didn’t include its mobile games.

With each new release, fans grew more and more tired of the series. It quickly became overdone and forgotten about until the reboot in 2015 with Guitar Hero: Live. This reboot brought a change in the controller, but didn’t alter the gameplay or songs enough to get fans extremely interested. We doubt there will be another one.

8 Turok

Don’t get us wrong, there are tons of fans who liked the original Turok games back on the N64. It was a fairly decent game, but nobody would ever say that it was one of the most popular. It was a surprise to fans when it got a reboot in 2008.

Unfortunately for them, that reboot didn’t fair too well. It had a story that went south very quickly after the first act and poor level design. This ultimately led to its downfall. Another reboot of the series is rumored to be planned. Hopefully, it goes better.

7 Splatterhouse

Splatterhouse had a short run that started in 1988 and ended in 1993. It spanned four games and had a small following. It was regarded as one of the bloodiest games of its time. That changed when the reboot came out in 2010.

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Fans who waited 17 years for the reboot were disappointed to see that it was more juvenile than previous iterations. It didn’t stay alive long and ended up being forgotten by many who once loved it. The game also lacked content which was a disappointment considering the time fans had waited.

6 Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem 3D was actually a popular game. Possibly the most popular on this list. That doesn’t mean it deserved a reboot, especially not the reboot it got. Duke Nukem Forever was meant to be a sequel, but after fifteen years, it can hardly be considered that.

Either way, fans were disappointed when it was released in 2011. It ended up having extremely poor graphics, offensive humor, and bad level design. Considering other games that were more popular like Wolfenstein had amazing reboots, it’s sad that Duke Nukem’s was so bad.

5 Rock Band

While Rock Band technically didn’t have an official reboot, it did go years without a release and the new game reengineered the concept of the game with new game modes and an even bigger online store. Rock Band 4 was an attempt to revitalize the series and make it better than before.

The game did bring new life into the series but wasn’t as well-received as the company hoped. The series was fading away due to the same problems as Guitar Hero. It had too many sequels that fans just weren’t interested in.

4 Space Invaders

Space Invaders, the classic alien shooter game that was found in arcades everywhere, was actually rebooted back in 2002 as Space Raiders. While the original game will always be loved by fans, it doesn’t offer the same gameplay like other games to get a reboot.

Space Raiders was heavily criticized and ended up disappearing from the market not long after its release. It featured highly repetitive gameplay. It’s a good thing that the reboot didn’t take the same name as the original because its a poor reimagining.

3 Final Fight

Final Fight was another game with a decent following back when it was released in 1989. Originally, the game was a sidescrolling beat ’em up game that had the player fistfighting enemies. The reboot had the same concept but was set in a 3D environment that didn’t do it justice.

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The graphics were extremely poor and the gameplay lacked anything new. The controls ended up being a complete mess and helped contribute to the game’s poor reception from fans.

2 Altered Beast

Altered Beast was originally an arcade game created back in 1988. It featured a character that could turn into a werewolf. It was a classic beat ’em up game based in ancient Greece. The game was decent, but that doesn’t mean it deserved the reboot it got. The reboot was absolutely terrible.

It brought the game into the modern era and placed it in a 3D environment. Unfortunately, things did not go well for the reboot and multiple critics warned players not to give it a try.

1 Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark originated on the N64 and was loved by fans. Ten years later, they finally got a reboot in Perfect Dark Zero. Some have said that it is a prequel, but after ten years in the wait, it is more considered a reboot than anything else.

It didn’t go so well and ended up falling off the face of the Earth. Fans considered the game extremely underwhelming and even said that the gameplay was frustrating.

NEXT: 10 Games That Fans Wanted A Sequel To (But Never Got)


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