Fallout 4: The 10 Weirdest & Funniest NPCs In The Game, Ranked

Traveling the unforgiving post-nuclear wasteland is bound to get the player into all sorts of trouble and shady business. In Fallout 4, there’s a whole series of strange quests, unique items and creepy locations that play into the quirky and bizarre nature of what a world ravaged by bombs would look like.

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It’s not just nature itself that’s different and unpredictable; it’s the people, too. The game’s NPCs are what really give the franchise its trademark feel, while also breathing life into the Commonwealth. Despite the serious nature of Fallout 4‘s story, there’s still a whole array of hilarious characters and weirdos that wander the wastelands eager to befriend (or kill) the Sole Survivor.

10 Bobbi No-Nose

Ghouls are some of the strangest characters in the game as they tread the line between humanity and death. Unlike their feral counterparts, regular ghouls still possess a surprising amount of cognitive abilities and are basically just outwardly decaying humans.

Bobbi No-Nose is one of the most iconic ghouls in the game, not just because of her sass and super shady nature, but also because she has the guts to plan a whole excavation into Hancock’s storage house. All this under the guise of robbing Diamond City’s strong room, while lying to the Sole Survivor and Mel the entire way. Hers are definitely some of the funniest and weirdest quests in the game.

9 Whitechapel Charlie

Although there are many funny Mr. Handy characters in the game, the one who takes the cake in terms of funny (and just a hint of oddball), is Whitechapel Charlie. Fallout 4 makes a whole thing about robots not realizing their own immortality. Instead, they behave in a very human-like manner.

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Whitechapel Charlie is the iconic Mr. Handy bartender the player can find over at the Third Rail in Goodneighbor. He has a slightly different way of speaking from the rest of the Mr. Handy robots, which sets him apart, as does his little hat and UK flag. Robots don’t get any more unique and funny than Whitechapel Charlie.

8 Hancock

Among the companions in the game, Hancock definitely isn’t a favorite when it comes to getting the job done in battle. He’s a bit useless, unless the player likes to fight at close range, in which case his preference for shotguns will be greatly rewarded. Otherwise, he falls flat in efficiency.

However, where Hancock shines is his character design. He’s positively insane but also extremely chill at the same time. Open-minded with a massive sense of humor, it’s a regular occurrence to hear him tell a joke or even sympathize if the player accidentally fires their weapon at nothing. What more can one hope for?

7 Preston Garvey Imposter

Recurring NPCs, quest-givers and companions aside, the Commonwealth is also full of people who randomly pop out from the wilds and try to outright scam the Sole Survivor. It’s really anyone’s game out there, so this isn’t that big of a surprise at the end of the day, but it’s always amusing when it happens.

One of the most blatantly stupid scams has to be the Preston Garvey impersonator, who’s dressed like a Minuteman but looks absolutely nothing like Preston himself. He can pop out of nowhere and ask the player for a monetary contribution to the Minuteman cause, but he’ll quickly run off when the player confronts him about being a fraud.

6 Sierra Petrovita

When it comes to Nuka-World, it’s difficult to say who isn’t crazy in these parts. The whole amusement park is filled to the brim with raiders who are bloodthirsty to a fault. That’s why it feels pretty jarring to see someone like Sierra Petrovita just freely wander around Nuka-Town.

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Not only is Sierra kind of an outsider to the whole raider town, but she’s also an obsessive fan. Can anyone really be this passionate about Nuka-Cola? It’s just soda, but for Sierra it’s a matter of life and death. She’s a subtle mix of good and bad kind of bizarre, completely obsessed with Cappy and Bradberton.

5 Deacon

Back to the companions of the game, Deacon is usually everyone’s official go-to funnyman. Although he operates with one of the more serious factions of the game, the Railroad, Deacon is just a chuckle and a half. His dialogue and writing is some of the best comedy gold the game has to offer.

Although some players argue that Deacon’s a bit of a jerk for lying so much to the player, it just plays off into the wacky aspect of his character. It’s also possible to see him spy on the player long before they actually arrive at the Railroad’s headquarters, wearing different outfits depending on where the player happens to be.

4 KL-E-0

Goodneighbor really is the treasure box of funny, weird characters. It’s no surprise really, considering it’s the one place in all of Boston where pretty much everyone is welcome — aside from the likes of raiders and Pickman. Right off the bat, it’s evident some very unique beings inhabit this place when entering the area.

KL-E-0 is probably the first strange character the player will meet here as she’s an assaultron trader. Her voice and overall behavior is so different from a typical assaultron that it’s almost as jarring as watching a tame Deathclaw serve drinks at the Third Rail. But hey, that’s why she’s so hilarious.

3 Strong

There’s one more companion that deserves a special mention for just how absolutely batty he is. After Preston, Strong is probably the number one target of most Fallout 4 companion memes since he’s prone to disliking everything that everyone else likes and liking everything that most people dislike.

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Strong is a weird one. On one hand, he seems to hate humans and considers himself above the Sole Survivor. Yet on the other, he also offers his help. It’s hard to pin him down, or even understand what he wants from life (other than to find milk of human kindness). Either way, he’s hysterical and undoubtedly the most unique companion.

2 Motorcycle-Grenade Guy

Not all fantastic characters make an actual appearance in the game, and the fan-favorite Motorcycle-Grenade guy is a perfect example. Should the player ever listen in on raiders of the Commonwealth chatting with one another, it’s revealed that some have been terrorized by a mysterious figure.

One of the gangs tried to recruit a new guy who turned out to be a little more unpredictable (or high on chems) than expected. When brought in, the recruit started throwing rocks and making grenade sounds before hopping on a fake motorcycle and speeding out while imitating one. This absolute legend is still somewhere out in the Commonwealth, and it’s sure a big shame players will no doubt never get to meet him in person.

1 Cricket

Off-the-wall yet useful is the best way to describe Cricket, the trader lady who seems like she’s inhaled one too many doses of Jet. Her questionable lifestyle choices aside, Cricket has become well-known due to the fact that she sells a gun known as Spray n’ Pray, which is one of the best unique weapons in the entire game.

Despite being just a regular trader, her iconic appearance and funny, almost cartoon-like dialogue makes her an excellent NPC in the game. She’s the perfect cocktail of chaos and insanity all wrapped up in one package of fun. Plus, she actually has a utility in the game, which makes her a cornerstone for Fallout 4.

NEXT: Fallout 4: The 10 Creepiest Locations In The Game, Ranked


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