Destiny 2: Xur Exotic Armor, Weapon, and Recommendations for October 30

As the Festival of the Lost begins to wind down, the news regarding the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion, Beyond Light, continues to heat up. This week, fans were given a closer look at the upcoming expansion and accompanying season through two new videos. The first, a 15 minute ViDoc, revealed a ton of new information and even showed off the return of Prince Uldren. The Beyond Light Launch trailer also revealed a number of cool cinematic moments including a fight between the Fallen and The Stranger, Drifter, and Eris all using Stasis abilities.

This week’s Bungie blog also dove into all of the changes coming to progression and game economy as well. As many may have expected, Bungie is removing a large portion of items along with the destinations that are going to be vaulted. The studio has made a complete list of items, quests, and currencies getting automatically removed, though for destination materials like Phaseglass Needles, Alkane Dust, Simulation Seeds, and Seraphite will need to be manually dealt with. Players will still have the option to sell them for reduced value to Spider after Beyond Light launches, but to really maximize the return, players should look to visit Spider as soon as possible.

RELATED: Destiny 2: Beyond Light Exotic Armor and Weapons List

For now, things remain as they always have with the appearance of Xur, the exotic merchant who arrives inside of Destiny 2 each weekend. Follow this guide for his location as well as a review of what he’s currently selling for the weekend of October 30, 2020.

This weekend, Xur can be found on Titan hiding in his usual building at The Rig.

Once loaded into The Rig, start heading to the other side of the zone towards the ramp that leads to the Solarium. Before reaching that ramp, Xur can be found inside one of the nearby houses, typically on the left side if the player is facing the Solarium ramp.

Keep in mind that Xur is no longer selling collection rolled gear, a welcomed change of pace from the past few years. The armor he now has features randomized stats and perks, which should revitalize player interest in what the merchant has each week. In addition, players can use an Exotic Cypher to purchase a second fated engram from the merchant.

Here are Xur’s three gear pieces this weekend:

Transversive Steps – Warlock leg armor

It’s been quite a while but the Transversive Steps are finally back in stock. They come with the intrinsic perk Strange Protractor which increases sprint speed and automatically reloads the currently equipped weapon after a short time sprinting.

Naturally, these are a universally great option especially in PvP where players are typically running around maps. Not having to take the few seconds to reload a weapon can sometimes mean the different between winning a gunfight or respawning. While the roll this week is just okay, it’s still a better option than the collection version.

Void Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +14
  • Resilience +12
  • Recovery +7
  • Discipline +18
  • Intellect +9
  • Strength +2

Ophidia Spathe – Hunter chest armor

The frequently seen Ophidia Spathe is back in stock with Xur for Hunter players. Scissor Fingers is its unique perk which grants Hunters two throwing knives instead of the typical one.

For those who enjoy rolling the Gunslinger subclass, the Ophidia Spathe synergizes particularly well with the Way of a Thousand Cuts and Gambler’s Dodge. It essentially allows the player to nearly continuously throw knives. This week’s edition is also high in strength for those looking to create a build with that value. Either way, this is a solid, if unspectacular exotic for Hunters this week. It’s also worth noting that of all three items this week, the Ophidia Spathe has one of the highest roll values with large bonuses to recovery and intelligence.

Void Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +4
  • Resilience +9
  • Recovery +21
  • Discipline +9
  • Intellect +14
  • Strength +6

Eternal Warrior – Titan helmet

The Roman-style Eternal Warrior helm is back in stock again with Xur. From a gameplay perspective, it’s specifically aimed at Striker Titans as its intrinsic perk Resolute gives the player an overshield after Fists of Havoc is activated.

While a cool looking exotic item, it’s ability just really isn’t as impactful as others available to Titans. An overshield is always helpful but it’s not likely going to turn the tide in any significant way. Definitely not a top tier item, but not a terrible one to have either.

Arc Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +2
  • Resilience +11
  • Recovery +19
  • Discipline +15
  • Intellect +6
  • Strength +7

Skyburner’s Oath is a classic Destiny 2 exotic, something introduced at launch with the base game and is based off of a Cabal’s weapon. The defining feature of this weapon comes from its perk Slug Rifle which alters the firing rate of the weapon. Skyburner’s Oath lobs explosive rounds that get stronger and faster when aiming down the sights. So instead of lobbing shots that track when hip firing, aiming down the sights actually turns the fired rounds into a faster, straighter, and more damaging explosive bullet. It also does more damage to Cabal enemies and rips through Phalanx Shields.

At this point in time, it’s extremely hard to recommend this gun. While it can be fun to mess around with, especially in missions against Cabal, there are just a ton of better options out there like SUROS Regime that should be used before this exotic. In addition, this weapon is also easily outclassed by other Scout Rifles in the game. Ultimately, it can be passed on.

Additional perks:

  • Extended Barrel
  • Extended Mag
  • Short Action Stock

Here’s the complete rundown of Xur’s entire stock in Destiny 2 for October 30, 2020:

  • Transversive Steps (Warlock leg armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Ophidia Spathe (Hunter chest armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Eternal Warrior (Titan helmet) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Skyburner’s Oath (Scout Rifle) – 29 Legendary Shards
  • Fated Engram – 97 Legendary Shards
  • Five of Swords Challenge Card

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE: Bungie is Taking Down Destiny 2 Cheaters in Unexpected Ways


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