Telltale Playfully Teases The Wolf Among Us 2 Fan | Game Rant

For some fans, it’s almost disheartening that while The Wolf Among Us 2 was officially announced nearly a year ago, barely any sort of news or update regarding the game’s release or development has been released to the general public. Although, now it seems that Telltale Games have released a small, albeit esoteric response to one fan’s questioning of The Wolf Among Us 2’s development.

The original Wolf Among Us released back in October of 2013 and has received cult classic status within the gaming community. For many fans, the Wolf Among Us is arguably one of the best Telltale series of all time. Though, for the longest time, fans were conditioned to not expect any kind of resolution from Telltale in terms of The Wolf Among Us.

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Given that Telltale Games shut down most of its operations back in 2018, it seemed unlikely that any of its major series would see any sort of continuation. Luckily, the studio is still around today and is still producing games and even finished production on the final season of The Walking Dead Telltale series. However, since that game’s completion and since the announcement of Wolf Among Us 2, the studio has been radio silent, until now.

When a fan told Telltale they couldn’t “wait for next year,” clearly meaning for The Wolf Among Us 2 due to the use of a Bigby gif, the official Telltale Games Twitter account responded with a gif from Indiana Jones. The gif in particular is from a rather famous scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark at the end where when asked about what will happen to the Ark, the government official responds with they have “top men” working on it.

While some fans may be ecstatic that Telltale has provided at least some sort of update, other fans may misinterpret this. Considering that after the “top men” remark at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, it cuts to the Ark being put away in storage to be forgotten. Then again, given Telltale Games’ apparent rebirth, it seems likely fans will ultimately receive The Wolf Among Us 2, just at the studio’s own pace.

It will be interesting to see what the future holds for not just The Wolf Among Us 2, but for Telltale Games as a whole. Outside of Wolf Among Us, the studio has a number of successful series that never made it past one season. For example, there are plenty of fans who would love to see a follow up to Tales From the Borderlands.

The Wolf Among Us 2 is currently in development.

MORE: The Wolf Among Us 2 Release Date: Every Rumor and Theory


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