10 Pro Tips For Watch Dogs: Legion You Need To Know | Game Rant

With the recent release of Watch Dogs: Legion players are starting to see that the game is a bit of a different beast when compared to previous titles. This time around players are gathering a team of rebels to usurp Albion’s control of London.

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While much of the gameplay and mechanics are similar, there are some changes. As a result, there are different strategies and tactics that need to be implemented. Here are some expert tips to give players a hand in liberating London from within.

10 Create A Balanced Team

A top priority for the player is to start establishing a team of professionals and skilled individuals. The player can do a lot of things themselves, but having some extra hands who can offer alternative perks and abilities is essential.

Getting people like lawyers to free members of the crew from jail or doctors to heal injuries are some examples of who the player wants on their side. There are a lot of moving parts to a rebellion and the player will want people ideally suited for each role. Spend some time recruiting the best and things will go a lot smoother.

9 Deep Profiler And PR

The adage ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ doesn’t necessarily apply in this game. While many people are upset with Albion they also have beef with Dedsec and don’t want anything to do with them either.

To get on their good side the player will want to get the skill Deep Profiler and start a bit of a personalized PR campaign. Finding out what makes each potential recruit tick and then spreading a bit of goodwill tailored to them is a great way to convert potential enemies into powerful allies.

8 Prioritize The All-Stars

While having a lot of followers is a great strategy, it’s more efficient and effective to have the best of the best. Prioritizing those individuals with unique talents and professional-level skills and gear is going to result in a much more powerful team.

The best way to get these kinds of recruits is to free a district from Albion control. Doing so will gain the attention of experts who will happily join the cause to free other districts. It takes a bit of effort but having a professional or two on the team will see some immediate gains.

7 Scout Each Area

Whenever the player plans on doing something it’s important to scout out the area first. Whether it’s breaking into a place to steal something or simply coming across a new area in the open world the player should take a minute to explore and study.

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They should pay particular attention to the streets, places of interest, people in the community, and the level of Albion presence in the area. Knowing these things will help the player know what to prioritize, who to recruit, devise possible strategies, and have multiple escape routes if everything hits the fan during an operation.

6 Exploit The Spiderbot

One of the more useful tools in the player’s arsenal is the Spider Bot. It has two variations; the Combat Spiderbot and the Infiltrator Spiderbot, with the latter being arguably the most helpful. This little bot can quickly scout out areas by jumping and scaling various obstacles providing valuable intel.

The Combat Spiderbot is essentially a mobile turret that provides backup and has limited stealth and exploring capabilities. The player can sit in their car and use the Spiderbot to peek inside of buildings, gather items, and do other things without ever putting themselves at risk.

5 Find The Underground Stations

The player is going to do a lot of traveling across a map that is simply too long and arduous for on foot, and sometimes even in a car. One thing the player should constantly be on the lookout for would be the Underground Stations that litter London.

These act as Fast Travel waypoints that let the player get from point A to point B much faster than they would otherwise. Exploring is always a good idea, but if the player has already found everything or playtime is limited then using public transit is the way to go.

4 Stay Stealthy

The player can tackle the game’s challenges John Wick style, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake. But it’s far more effective to approach the game as intended using hacking, bots, and stealth. For starters, getting into gunfights will draw the wrong kind of attention and can irritate the locals, which makes recruiting harder.

By using stealth, the player never draws suspicion, locals are happy with the lack of violence, and the player can get things done with minimal risk to themselves. Besides, the game is designed around operating from the shadows anyway, so it’s going to be more interesting and efficient to do things stealthily.

3 Trap The Enemy

When infiltrating a heavily fortified building the player runs the risk of getting caught or killed with all of the guards running around. It pays to spend a bit of time hacking into various systems and using the Spiderbot to set up traps to thin the numbers a bit.

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It takes some time and creativity, but rigging systems to methodically take out enemies or even provide a failsafe if things go wrong is immensely helpful. Granted this does draw attention and puts everyone on high alert, but it’s better to accidentally get into a gunfight with most of the guards incapacitated than have the entire building on the hunt.

2 Manipulate The Drones

London is full of drones that come in all shapes and sizes. These drones provide surveillance, monitor traffic, provide backup for the enemy, carry things around the city, and so on. The result is a bee’s nest of devices that can make life hard for the player’s operatives or be their best allies.

Hacking these drones for personal use can do wonders for any operation. Combat drones can be turned on their handlers, surveillance drones can provide intel, and traffic drones can sow confusion. Hacking these buzzing devices and using them in ops is always a great strategy.

1 Use Cargo Drones

Some of the more useful drones in the game are the Cargo Drones lumbering around the city. These drones are large enough for a person to ride on which opens a number of options for the player during missions or exploring the open world.

The Cargo Drone can airdrop the operative into a facility, let the player sit atop one while their Spiderbot does the work, provide evac from a sketchy situation, or simply be a safe means of travel when walking the streets isn’t an option. Completing enough of the story to gain one of these drones makes the game a heck of a lot easier.

NEXT: 5 Reasons We’re Excited For Watch Dogs: Legion (& 5 We Aren’t)


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