10 Saddest Pokedex Entries, Ranked | Game Rant

Pokemon is filled with terrifying monsters that will eat your soul. It is also filled with cute creatures that will warm your heart. There are many possibilities when it comes to the world of Pokemon. There are even Pokemon who have sad Pokedex entries.

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Pokemon that have lost their mothers. Other Pokemon who need to stay away from water because if the fire on their tail goes out, it dies. Too many Pokemon have these sad entries that deserve to be mentioned. Maybe it will make players think twice when they abandon them.

10 Galarian Corsola

Galarian Corsola is far different than its other form. Looking at its picture one can easily tell that Galarian Corsola is sad. Why you might ask? “Sudden climate change wiped out this ancient kind of Corsola. This Pokémon absorbs others’ life-force through its branches.” That’s right, climate change has gotten the better of this Pokemon and it is now dying. Its no wonder that this Pokemon is so sad. Its entire species died and now all that remains are the ghosts of what they once were.

9 Cubone

Cubone has always been portrayed as a sad Pokemon. After reading its Pokedex entry, it’s no wonder that it is portrayed that way. Its Pokedex entry reads, “This Pokémon wears the skull of its deceased mother. Sometimes Cubone’s dreams make it cry, but each tear Cubone sheds makes it stronger.” Yep, it wears the skull of its dead mother around because it can’t bear to be apart from her. The other entry states that its cries echo through the skull it wears. Poor Cubone.

8 Yamask

“The spirit of a person from a bygone age became this Pokémon. It rambles through ruins, searching for someone who knows its face.” Yamask is always searching for someone, anyone, who will remember its face. Too bad the spirit is from so long ago that nobody will ever recognize its face. The mask is said to be the face this Pokemon had when it was human. Its hard to believe that after years and years, this Pokemon is still carrying its face around just trying to get someone to notice it.

7 Bewear

Bewear only wants to care for its trainer, so much so that it wants to give them hugs. Too bad Bewear shouldn’t do that. Bewear’s Pokedex entry states that if it hugs its trainer, it can shatter their trainer’s bones. Read it for yourself.

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“Once it accepts you as a friend, it tries to show its affection with a hug. Letting it do that is dangerous—it could easily shatter your bones.” Yep, sorry Bewear, but no hugs for you. Trainers probably don’t want their bones to be shattered anytime soon.

6 Spoink

Spoink is literally tortured by the spring attached to its bottom. “Spoink bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result, this Pokémon cannot afford to stop bouncing—if it stops, its heart will stop.” It may be biology, but Spoink definitely got the bad side of the deal. Nobody wants to continuously bounce to stay alive, but Spoink must. Maybe think twice before showing it in a Pokeball. Will that kill it? We hope not.

5 Komala

“It remains asleep from birth to death as a result of the sedative properties of the leaves that form its diet.” Poor Komala doesn’t get to experience any of the joy in life. Evolution has forced this Pokemon to experience everything while it sleeps all the way from birth to death. The other entry states that when it enters a deep enough sleep “it stops moving altogether.” So it basically needs to remain in a slight sleep that it can never wake up from. Sleeping Beauty would even be upset about that.

4 Amaura

Poor Amaura is another Pokemon that was just brought into the world to die. The Pokemon world is filled with great technology. Some of this tech is so great that they can revive Pokemon from fossils. Too bad that doesn’t help Amaura. Its Pokedex entry states that “it’s not expected to live long because of the heat of the current environment.” So what, we are just supposed to watch this adorable Pokemon suffer from the heat of this world it didn’t ask to be brought into? Sorry, that’s not what we signed up for.

3 Espurr

Espurr is constantly in a struggle. You can just see it in its eyes. That blank stare that never goes away. That thousand-yard stare is thanks to the devastating power it holds inside of itself. “Though Espurr’s expression never changes, behind that blank stare is an intense struggle to contain its devastating psychic power.”

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Poor Espurr is clearly struggling and nobody ever stopped to try and help. Maybe now players will hang onto this Pokemon and not leave it behind to be on its own.

2 Charmander

Anyone who has watched the Pokemon anime knows the sad truth about Charmander, but here is a refresher. “From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out.” One of the saddest ways to live. At all costs, Charmander must protect its tail from fizzling out or it will die. It brings back memories of Charmander in the show, desperately holding a leaf over its tail to prevent the rain from hitting it while Charmander waits for a trainer that abandoned it.

1 Banette

Banette is a strange Pokemon. Banette is a doll that was cast away and left to decay. This caused resentment to fester inside of it until it sprang to life. Now its sole purpose is to find that person who threw it away. Its Pokedex entry reads, “Resentment at being cast off made it spring into being. Some say that treating it well will satisfy it, and it will once more become a stuffed toy.” The saddest part about Banette isn’t that it is constantly seeking revenge for being cast aside, but that it just wants to be loved by a trainer.

NEXT: 10 Pokemon That Deserve Evolutions In Gen 9


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