It’s the spookiest day of the year once again and the best time outside of a convention for gamers to dress up as their favorite characters. Halloween may a bit different this year with the ongoing pandemic, but there are still some that are bringing their “A” game when it comes to costumes. One Twitter user posted their costume, Samus Aran from Metroid, and it’s so good, it’s enough to convince anyone they’re the famous Nintendo bounty hunter.
McCormack’s costume looks great, and he showed off his work through Twitter, standing next to the recently released Varia Suit Samus figure by First 4, which likely served as inspiration. It’s encouraging to see people still going all out, despite some of the challenges that may alter plans. While McCormack may not be bobbing for apples or trick-or-treating this year, he claims he’s ready for Halloween parties in 2021.
Whenever Metroid is mentioned, it’s hard not to think about the drought of games from Nintendo. The franchise hasn’t seen a lot of love lately, but the good news is Metroid Prime 4 is in development. Samus Aran will be out hunting Space Pirates again soon. In fact, according to one leaker, Nintendo may have up to three Metroid games in development, but that hasn’t yet been confirmed. For now, fans will just have to wait patiently for the one that is, which was announced back at E3 2017. The following year, Nintendo said it still wasn’t ready to be shown yet.
Since then, it’s been a waiting game, with tidbits of information occasionally being released by the developer and leakers. We do know a few things about it, however. It will be released on the Nintendo Switch and a God of War designer was brought on board to work on Metroid Prime 4 at Retro Studios. The designer, Jon Marcella, previously worked for Square Enix on Final Fantasy 13 and created environments for the newest God of War.
The development has had its ups and downs and no one is quite sure where the game stands or even when it will release. Nintendo has been pretty quiet on the subject. For a better idea of how this journey has gone, be sure to read about the history of development on Metroid Prime 4. The most recent events concern a frenzy of hirings for the project.

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