Twitch Streamer Gets 3 Million Followers Overnight | Game Rant

Streaming on Twitch is somewhat hit or miss for the average gamer. For most, it can be extremely difficult to build a fan base and get consistent views, but there’s always that off chance that something causes the streamer to blow up in popularity. At first glance, that’s what seemed to have happened to small Call of Duty: Warzone streamer, NeonSniperPanda.

NeonSniperPanda is an intermediate level Twitch streamer, boasting around 10,000 followers before the sudden increase. By the end of October, though, his follower count has increased 300 fold, to a stunning figure of over 3 million. Naturally, this turned some heads from both the community and NeonSniperPanda himself.

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With these new numbers, NeonSniperPanda claims the number one spot for fastest growing streamer in October, but all is not as it seems. As it happens, most of these followers are actually bot accounts, and the streamer himself has been reaching out to Twitch in search of assistance to get rid of all the bots.

This isn’t the first time a small streamer has been hit with a massive boost to followers like this, as similar incidents have happened with the likes of aileybeanssa in September and other streamers in the past. The issue is that the streamer has no power to remove all of these follower bots, and they don’t particularly help the streamer in any way either. This is mostly done as a way of trolling small streamers, as the initial reaction to seeing such a huge boost in followers is excitement, but after realizing the truth the disappointment is tangible.

In the case of aileybeanssa, and that channel still has over 4 million followers despite being much smaller before the incident. With any luck, Twitch will eventually step in for them and NeonSniperPanda soon, but there’s really no telling how long that will take. Until then, the Warzone streamer finds himself in the top 30 of most followed Twitch streamers on the platform, but his total views are leagues below those of all the most popular Twitch streamers around him. This momentary stint of ill-gotten fame isn’t very satisfying for NeonSniperPanda.

It’s not clear what would drive someone to troll a smaller streamer like this. It’s possible that it’s an attempt to get these streamers banned, though their low profiles make them an odd target. It could be that the person doing this thinks they’re actually helping, but the way these streamers reach out for help after the attack should be indicative enough that it’s not. Regardless, it seems that for the time being NeonSniperPanda is stuck with over 3 million bots on his channel.

Twitch streamer NeonSniperPanda gained over 3 million followers.

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Source: Dexerto


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