Skyrim: Every Shout And Where To Find It | Game Rant

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, part of being the fabled Dragonborn means that players get access to special abilities called shouts. These shouts use the language of dragons which wills their power into the world. There are plenty of shouts, and collecting them makes many aspects of the Dragonborn’s adventure much more tolerable.

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Many shouts and their word walls are locked in quest lines or are only accessible at certain times. Others lie in wait throughout the wilds of Skyrim or are lost deep within old Nordic tombs. Some shouts command powerful beasts to fight while others make enemies flee in terror. Collect them all and become the ultimate Dragonborn.

23 Animal Allegiance

Call forth the mighty beasts of Skyrim with Animal Allegiance to aid in battle.

Ancient’s Ascent: A Dragon Lair located in southern Skyrim within Falkreath’s southern peaks.

Angarvunde: An ancient ruin located in The Rift, far west of Riften.

Ysgramor’s Tomb: Beyond the tomb lies a path to the top of the mountain. It’s also accessible by climbing up the mountain near the entrance.

22 Aura Whisper

Similar to the Detect Life spell, Aura Whisper allows the Dragonborn to also detect the presence of animunculi, undead, and daedra.

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Northwind Summit: A Dragon Lair located in The Rift. Traverse Northwind Mine or head northwest of Shor’s Stone and hike the mountain.

Valthume: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Reach, southeast of Markarth.

Volunruud: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Pale, north of both Silent Moons Camp and Halted Stream Camp.

21 Become Ethereal

Become ghostly and invulnerable to damage with the help of the Become Ethereal shout.

Ironbind Barrow: An ancient Nordic tomb located southeast of Dawnstar and southwest of Winterhold.

Lost Valley Redoubt: A large ruin located in The Reach, between Markarth and Falkreath.

Ustengrav: An ancient Nordic tomb, northeast of Morthal and southeast of Solitude.

20 Call Dragon

Call forth the great Odahviing with Call Dragon for assistance in battle. He can also be ridden with the Dragonborn DLC.

Sky Haven Temple: A major landmark located in The Reach and traveled to during the main questline.

Throat of the World: A major landmark located high above High Hrothgar on the largest mountain in Skyrim. The Dragonborn travels here during The Fallen quest and earns the shout.

19 Call of Valor

Summon the mightiest warriors from Sovngarde such as Gormlaith Golden-Hilt, Felldir the Old, and Hakon One-Eye with the Call of Valor shout.

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Sovngarde: Upon slaying Alduin and completing the main questline, the great warrior Tsun grants the Dragonborn this shout.

18 Clear Skies

Command the weather and blow the rain and snow away with the Clear Skies shout.

High Hrothgar: During the main questline (and after completing the quest, Alduin’s Wall), the Dragonborn learns this shout to blow away fog on the mountain path above High Hrothgar. The Greybeards teach all three levels.

17 Disarm

Stagger and disarm any opponent with the Disarm shout, making even the most difficult fights trivial.

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Eldersblood Peak: A Dragon Lair located at the top of a mountain in Hjaalmarch, just southwest of Morthal.

Silverdrift Lair: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Pale, southeast of Dawnstar.

Snow Veil Sanctum: An ancient Nordic tomb, southeast of Winterhold.

16 Dismay

Behold the power of Dismay, making enemies flee in terror and even staggering dragons. Leveling up the shout allows for greater effect on higher-level enemies.

Shalidor’s Maze: A major landmark located at Labyrinthian, southeast of Morthal. The Dragonborn must traverse the maze to the end for the shout.

Lost Tongue Overlook: A Dragon Lair located in The Rift, south of Riften.

Dead Crone Rock: A Nordic tower located in The Reach, southwest of Markarth.

15 Dragonrend

Dominate dragons by pulling them straight out of the skies with Dragonrend. This makes dragon fights much easier by grounding the flying beasts.

Throat of the World: Located at the mountain peak above High Hrothgar. Obtained during the Alduin’s Bane quest.

14 Drain Vitality

Slowly drain the life force out of enemies with the shout known as Drain Vitality.

Dimhollow Crypt: An ancient crypt located in The Pale, northeast of the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon.

Forgotten Vale: A small valley located in the mountains of northwest Skyrim, near Haafinger and the Western Reach. The Dragonborn must have the quest, Touching the Sky, to access it.

Arcwind Point: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Rift, west of the Rift Imperial Camp.

13 Elemental Fury

Slash at foes with the fury of the winds as Elemental Fury increases attack speed. This is one of the most beneficial shouts for melee Dragonborn.

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Statue to Meridia: Located west of Solitude on Mount Kilkreath. Stand atop the stairs and look northeast for the word wall.

Dragontooth Crater: A Dragon Lair located in The Reach, northwest of the Shrine to Peryite.

Shriekwind Bastion: An ancient Nordic tomb located in Falkreath Hold, northeast of Falkreath.

12 Fire Breath

Claim the power of dragons by blasting a high-speed fireball through the air with Fire Breath.

Dustman’s Cairn: An ancient Nordic tomb located in Whiterun Hold, southeast of Morthal. The Dragonborn finds this shout during the Proving Honor quest.

Sunderstone Gorge: A mage and necromancer-infested cave located in Falkreath Hold, south of Gjukar’s Monument.

Throat of the World: Located at the mountain peak above High Hrothgar. The Dragonborn finds this during the quest, The Throat of the World.

11 Frost Breath

Similar to Fire Breath, Frost Breath harnesses the power of frost dragons and creates a blast of cold air that both damages and slows enemies.

Bonestrewn Crest: A Dragon Lair located in Eastmarch high up the mountain south of Windhelm.

Skyborn Altar: A Dragon Lair located in Hjaalmarch, east of Morthal and southwest of Dawnstar.

Folgunthur: An ancient Nordic tomb located in Hjaalmarch, southeast of Solitude.

10 Ice Form

Control the icy winds of Skyrim with Ice Form which freezes all targets in its path, immobilizing them and inflicting them with frost damage.

Frostmere Crypt: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Pale, southwest of Dawnstar. The Dragonborn must have the quest, The Pale Lady, to access the crypt.

Mount Anthor: A dragon lair located southwest of Winterhold, near the top of the mountain.

Saarthal: An ancient Nordic tomb located southwest of the College of Winterhold. The Dragonborn must have the quest, Under Saarthal, from the mage college to access the tomb.

9 Kyne’s Peace

Calm nearly all beasts within range of the Kyne’s Peace shout, creating a safer travel route, temporarily. Additionally, it detects all animals within range, similar to Aura Whisper.

Ragnvald: An ancient ruin located in The Reach, north of Markarth.

Shroud Hearth Barrow: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Rift, near Ivarstead.

Rannveig’s Fast: An ancient Nordic tomb located south of Morthal and northeast of Rorikstead.

8 Marked For Death

As the name suggests, Marked for Death nearly guarantees the slaying of a foe as it weakens their armor and makes them more susceptible to attacks.

The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary: A small, underground settlement located in Falkreath Hold, near the road heading west from Falkreath. The Dragonborn must be a member of the brotherhood to enter.

Forsaken Crypt: Located inside the Forsaken Cave of The Pale, west of Windhelm.

Autumnwatch Tower: A Dragon Lair located in The Rift, south of Ivarstead.

7 Slow Time

The power of time, or just some of it, belongs to the Dragonborn once they wield Slow Time. For a short period, time slows down around the Dragonborn, allowing them to better handle tense situations.

Hag’s End: An ancient Nordic tomb located in Haafingar, at the top of the mountains west of Solitude.

Korvanjund: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Pale, northeast of Whiterun.

Labyrinthian: An ancient ruin located in Hjaalmarch, southeast of Morthal, near the Dismay word wall.

6 Storm Call

Control the wrath of the skies with Storm Call, creating a violent thunderstorm overhead. Lightning strikes nearby enemies as well as friendly NPCs, so avoid using it in towns or with followers nearby.

Forelhost: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Rift, southeast of Riften.

High Gate Ruins: An ancient Nordic tomb located in The Pale, west of Dawnstar.

Skuldafn: An ancient Nordic temple located in Eastmarch, on the eastern-most edge of Skyrim in the Velothi Mountains. This area is only accessible during the quest, The World Eater’s Eyrie.

5 Soul Tear

Rip the soul from enemies and cause heavy damage by using Soul Tear. This shout hurts the Dragonborn if not aimed far enough away.

Soul Cairn: Traveled to via the portal in Castle Volkihar, located across the channel in far northwest Skyrim. This plane of Oblivion is only accessible during and after the quest, Chasing Echoes. Obtain the shout from Durnehviir.

4 Summon Durnehviir

Summon a powerful, undead dragon in combat upon using the shout, Summon Durnehviir. The great dragon fights for the Dragonborn and must be summoned on the ground.

Soul Cairn: Using the portal in Castle Volkihar, located across the channel in far northwest Skyrim, the Dragonborn enters this dark plane of Oblivion. The player learns the ability from Durnehviir himself, during the quest Beyond Death.

3 Throw Voice

Distract any enemy and send them in the opposite direction with the help of Throw Voice. It literally throws the voice of the Dragonborn into the direction aimed in, catching the attention of curious enemies.

Shearpoint: A Dragon Lair located in The Pale, high atop the souther mountains west of Windhelm. Upon completion of the quest, Dragon Rising, the Dragonborn must defeat both a leveled dragon and a dragon priest before safely learning the shout.

2 Unrelenting Force

The most widely recognized shout, Unrelenting Force, is the first shout learned by the Dragonborn on the main questline. It hurls a forceful burst of air toward the target, staggering it. The most advanced version knocks them back as well.

Bleak Falls Barrow: An ancient Nordic tomb located in Falkreath Hold, west of Riverwood. The Dragonborn first accesses the tomb during the quest, Bleak Falls Barrow, as part of the main questline.

High Hrothgar: Located on the largest mountain in Skyrim, and accessed via the road from Ivarstead in Whiterun Hold. The Dragonborn must be on the quest, The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, to get the shout.

1 Whirlwind Sprint

Dash forward with the speed of a dragon by using Whirlwind Sprint. The Dragonborn darts seamlessly through traps and over crevices.

Dead Man’s Respite: An ancient Nordic tomb located in Hjaalmarch, southwest of Morthal.

High Hrothgar: Located atop the tallest mountain in Skyrim and accessed via Ivarstead. Learned from the Greybeards during the main questline.

Volskygge: An ancient Nordic tomb located in Haafingar, far west of Solitude.

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