Apex Legends Players Argue Over Mysterious ‘New’ Kings Canyon Tree

A picture of a fairly unassuming tree in Apex Legends sparked a debate on Reddit as players tried to figure out whether it had been there before. The debate may seem shallow on the surface, but it illustrates how differences in visual perception can affect the narrative of everyday objects. This EA title, which takes place in the Titanfall universe, can serve as a touchstone to learn more about how people see the world.

The tree in question appears on King’s Canyon, which has served as one of the staple maps since Apex Legends launched. Reddit user SnaxelZ posted a screenshot of a tree as seen from the roof of a nearby building close to the center of the map. SnaxelZ was clearly puzzled over why they had never noticed that particular tree before.

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Many users in the comments started to speculate whether the tree had actually changed in the last update to make the leaves more noticeable, feeding rumors that it could be related to a leaked future Apex Legends map that could be a tropical island. However, streaming footage from as far back as June 2019 shows that the tree is not even particularly different.

Apex Legends is a fast-paced first-person shooter, where players are constantly moving and watching for threats. Perception changes when a player is in “fight or flight” mode, regardless of whether the danger is real or simulated. Players may not notice the appearance of rocks and trees in the moment unless they can provide cover.

The tree may have gone overlooked because of the design of the Apex Legends map itself. Most players in that area would be focusing on the building, simply because it is a hot spot for resources. Anyone using the walkway would have the smaller tree in their foreground, making it easy for the larger tree to blend in behind it.

What SnaxelZ noticed was a byproduct of inattentional blindness and the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. A famous example of inattentional blindness is the “invisible gorilla test,” in which students are asked to count how many times a basketball is dribbled or passed in a video, and typically do not notice the volunteer in a gorilla costume walking by due to their focus.

The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon kicks in after students have seen the gorilla-man. In subsequent videos, students may watch more carefully for gorillas wandering into the frame. However, that may not prevent them from missing a completely different detail, such as when the participants put on silly hats or switch places with completely different volunteers. It’s easy to miss the obvious when there are more important things going on, such as an ongoing firefight in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends is available free-to-play now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Apex Legends Director Discusses Titanfall 3 Influence and Evolving Beyond Battle Royales

Source: YouTube


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